
2 years, 3 months ago



Name Anthony Rivera

Age 18

PRNS he/him

Nickname Tony

Species Cat

Worth $$$

Tony was born and raised in a poverty stricken area on the outskirts of New York. He was born the 6th of January, and he is 18 years old (at the point of writing this). His parents work hard to get by, but after the tragic misruling of Tonys step brother, Kayden Arlo Rivera,'s murder, the family is facing worse financial and medical problems than ever before. Whilst juggling work and early inrollment into college on a grade based scholarship, there isnt much time for him to live the normal life of a teenager. But will he meet someone who can show him what he has been missing?


Tony is a highly intelligent person, but he has a lot to work on when it comes to emotion. He could be described as apathetic, bright, gentle and standoffish. He's extremely compassionate, but also a introverted, so he is often misunderstood by others. Even with his low salary, he is very generous, and will give almost everything to the people he cares about. Tony is loyal to a certain point, but if you ruin that trust, there is little to no way of gatting it back. Family is extremely important to him, that also involved found family

  • Tony has a phobia of sharks.
  • His hobbies are: binge watching boxed sets, jigsaw puzzles, cycling and escapology.
  • His favourite food is milk chocolate buttons and ice lollies.
  • He is extremely scared of getting sick (but smokes for some reason).
  • Has a hate for people who undermines their privileges.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi.
  • Arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae.
  • Interdum velit euismod in pellentesque.
  • Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra.