Valiant Alziah



2 years, 3 months ago


Valiant is a shadow wolf and he is part of the Shadow Clans.


  • Name: Valiant Alziah
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/They
  • Birthday: June 29th
  • Age: 30 years
  • Species: Shadow
  • Blood Type: B+
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Nicknames: Val. Heart Eater

  • Pack: Shadow Clans
  • Rank: Soldier

Valiant is cocky. That's all to it really. He is known for tormenting other wolves and getting them to attack him out of anger and when it doesn't work he'll resort to insults. He's arrogant and often thinks he is hot stuff and that no one could hurt him, often trying to impress females within the Shadow Clans with varying levels of success. Because of his mutation, being symbolised and marked, he will often look down on wolves he considers lesser than himself (which is most). The only ones he respects are his commanders and Pack Leader, willing to do whatever he can to impress them. He will fight dirty and will find any useful information on targets but often times he forgets to tell anyone and just uses it to torment them or bring them into the Shadow Clans instead. He is polite to those above him but he is rude to everyone else. 



Valiant has all the usual abilities and powers of his species and sex. He often can create shadow traps on the ground which can wrap vine like tendrils around paws of his targets which can sometimes appear invisible unless you see his eyes glowing. He is known for sometimes coating his claws with poison in fights.


Valiant was born in the Shadow Clans and never desired to leave. He became a skilled torturer at a young age and was taken from his pack to be trained by other torturers. He is bitter that he never got to be sent to the Slave Camps as he wants to torment the pups there but instead he does what he can to kill parents off and take their pups. Whether it be into the Shadow Clans or to the Slave Camps depending on his order.
He is a regular soldier but sometimes is allowed to be a torturer.


Likes: Night. Darkness. Hurting others. Holy Grapes.

Dislikes: Feeling inferior. Fish.

Fears: N/A


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: Unknown
  • Quote: N/A

  • He will often kill wolves who reject him
  • He has been known to eat their hearts
  • Valiant will often be seen eating Holy Grapes
  • He absolutely hates fish and the scent of them make him feel sick, and he also hates Water Wolves for this reason
  • He considers himself quite attractive
  • Valiant can't sleep for that long and instead only sleeps for about an hour at a time but will sleep throughout the day