if theyre ufo, could i offer anyone in my trade folder?

i can give multiple characters for them

hi sorry, but as stated in my profile characters will be explicitly stated to be UFO/UFT  if they are so. I do not appreciate random offers on my characters.

i must have missed that, i apologize.

I'd be more than willing to pay the l;isted 130 usd!  or more if needed

Hi!! $100 is what I paid before adding art for them! $130 is your minimum! you can offer whatever you want <3!!

i'll offer the min for now then <>3

Of course!! Let me see if there isn't any pending art of her out there since I've commissioned several pieces teehee!

Waaa the autocorrect wrote wrong -sobs- the minimum price of her is $130! her ab is $200 but like I said you can offer whatever you like since no one has bid for her (just in case she's also posted on other social media for other offers <3!)

ok! ill keep watch to see if anyone bids higher then <3

I'll keep you posted since it's posted on Spanish-speaking sites <3

One user on amino offer $140!

see anyone in my th? :3

They are so lovely!! But i dont see anyone <'3 sorry!

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Hihi!! They so cutie but im not interesed sorry!! 

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Teehee ty!! <3

if I’m allowed to offer for her- i can offer anyone / however many characters you want from my trade folder!

Hi! Im not interesed sorry 

ok! you can look at my not for trade folder too, I’d be willing to give anyone but Nero again however many you’d want 

Im not interesed, sorry!! Im very tent with nova!!

ok I understand then! sorry for bothering ya! if you ever change your mind or end up wanting to sell her lmk!!


Donde consigues ocs tan lindos 😭

AAAAA JIJI la conseguí de una usuaria de aquí y y y pagué platita por ella <3

Hi its me again lol! Do u take usd offers for them? May i can offer $110 or pop designs!!

Hi hi!! I'm definitely interested in ur usd offer! But I dont usually accept usd for characters that weren't designed by me as to not low or high ball someone! but im actually friends/mutuals with the person who desinged nova and I could try asking if they're okay with me selling them!! ^w^ if ud like!

Of course!! but my offer would go down to $75 because I spent a little money recently -sobs- but if you're still interested I'm willing to pay that amount for them! <3

Hi!! Do u take pop designs for them <3?

depends!! id consider some!! feel free to link them!!^^

I have this sashley design <3


Would u ever trade 4 someone in my th

Hi hi!! So sorry but sadly I didn't see anyone id use much! :< so sorry!! Tysm for offering tho!! ^^

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I can offer anyone form my ota,tentive or secondary folder!! Or art!!♡

I can offer anyone in my the except the cs folder

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Anyone from my offer folder or secondary’s? 

I can offer Ashley from my folder "adopts" and art (links below) 



cute cute I offer $40

I'd be down to offer $25 and sum art! 


Maybe 2 bustshots and a headshot? 0:

edit : design was changed to where i'd def not consider them too similar to the other design so- leavin the offer here, ty for the opportunity!