Whip the Dentist



6 years, 6 months ago




Status: Alive
Notes: Emotionally confused

Layout by Jayden


small • angry • teeth
Name Whip Birthdate N/A
Age N/A Zodiac N/A
Gender Male Orientation N/A
Species Toon Relationship N/A
Height 50 cm Weight N/Ak

About Whip

Originally created as a normal cartoon character, Whip played the role as "The Dentist" in a popular cartoon on TV. He always kidnapped locals and tried to steal their teeth. But as usual his actions were stopped by "Chad the Cat", the shows hero. Eventually the show was cancelled. The creator though, not wanting his creations to die, found a way to bring life to his favorite. Whip. But just before Whip came to life, the man came to the realization that maybe, it wasn't the best idea to bring a villain to life. Scared of his own actions, the creator ran away, leaving everything behind, though never forgetting about what he did.

Once Whip came to, he was left alone. He has been given all the knowledge he needed - knowing how to care for himself, knowing what would happen if he'd let humans see him - so he decided to create life. Using the same method that led to his own life, he created hundreds of characters, thinking this would be all he needed. He was happy for a while, but soon, all the characters found company and friends in each other, while whip was left out. He just didn't fit in. In blind rage Whip slaughtered every single one of them and went back to his lonely life. Eventually giving it one last try. He created Mr. Deer. A character, a sidekick. Giving him free will, almost no knowledge at all, Whip was successful in creating a friend for himself. someone who would admire him, who would trust him. It wasn't much later that it turned out, above the studio they were living in, there was a house. A Family of four just moved in, and the two young daughters soon met Whip in a not so peaceful encounter. It took a lot of work, but they too became somewhat similar to friends. Now Whip, Mr. Deer and the Family above are friends. And Whip also created two more characters. Chad, who used to be his greatest enemy, and Vorey, who now became his greatest enemy, after it turned out that Vorey (which is how he got his name) only ever tried to eat Whip, for some unknown reason.