Kenton Crowley



2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Kenton Crowley


Ken, Kendo




5'9" / 175 cm


Human ( Currently ) Elf ( Temporary/Past Self )

Magic Attribute(s)

Mimicry Magic


23 [ Debut ]


March 31st


Magic Knight ( Black Bulls )


Clover Kingdom


Personality-wise, Kenton is a laid-back, optimistic, jovial, humble man. He shows a deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it, or when he is angered. Overall, he tends to commonly uses idle conversation and outward concern to distract his targets/villains. He never really worries about little details and is mainly concerned about people rather than the property he destroys from time to time with his magic. He rarely shows any signs of panic or distress. Moreover, he even takes time out of his day to care for nature or someone who's in distress and needs to vent too. He always has a gentle touch to him too, never really wanting to raise a fist against someone without a reason. As well he always shows a kind smile and a warm heart to those who need it. Even when he does fight, he shows a very calm mind and a solid stance in the fighting. He doesn't mind being under someone's command or leading the charge. He does show a good sense of love for life too, even if he has been through a lot of hard times. Overall, He is a gentle soul who wishes to see the best in his friends. 

Kenton is the Heir to the Crowley Family of The Clover Kingdom's House Crowley. He is also the reincarnation of the Elf, known as Kendo. During his time being raised in the clover kingdom; He always was a bit of a stranger to his own family, never really fitting in with nobles either. He always preferred to be out in nature, love animals, and or be with his friends in the commoner's realms. His Life was a bit of a rough one too, being bullied by other Noble kids who said he was a freak for having strange tastes and wanting to be with commoners. Dispute this, Kenton never fought back but rather tried to win them over with kindness and offered them sweets and friendship.  During his First time getting his Grimoire, He wasn't sure what magic he would be fully able to use, until a strange grimoire that had a unique type of magic to it appeared before him, which was his original Grimoire when he was an elf too. He oddly enough took to it with ease and started training from that day to master his strange magic, which he was scouted by Yami, and joined the Black Bulls later on. During the Battle of the Elves, Kendo's soul reawakens, but rather than fight against the Humans the other elves hated, Kendo helps the Black Bulls, due to remember he was human too.

Mimicry Magic is a magic attribute that allows a user to copy another mage's spells, but also mix and combine them with in their grimoire. This Magic is a Kin to Imitation Magic, in the sense the user needs to touch someone else's grimoire to copy a spell hey have, but unlike Imitation Magic, the user can freely mix and combine spells of others into new spells. Making it much more then people thing. He has copied several types of magic, and his copied spells are able to match those of the original owners, but also has mixed and matched various other spells together to make his own unique spells too.