


2 years, 3 months ago


Character Bio: Name: Anai Gender: Female Age: Appears to be around 20. Actually age is unknown Height: 5'5 Weight: 95lbs Birthday: Undetermined. Hair color: Caramel brown Eye color: Red Orientation: Pansexual Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown Mate: N/A Children: N/A Siblings: Unbound hoopa, Shoggoth Likes: Warm weather, helping others and finding things, music, savory flavours, traveling around, warm hugs. Dislikes: Being unbound, battling for sport, things that are too sweet, freezing temperatures, being alone for undetermined amounts of time, getting wet. Occupation: Finder and a very mild thief. PKMN Data PKMN: Hoopa (shiny) Nature: Careful Fighting style: Offense Move set (4): Thunderbolt, Shadow ball, Hyperspace fury, Hyperspace hole Aggressiveness: Very mildly aggressive. She doesn't like to fight but can defend herself of necessary. Extended Details Personality: Anai is a very sweet and polite young woman striving to selflessly help others. She is kind, caring and energetic. She is very loyal to her friends but a little untrusting at first but that does not sway her smile or kindness. Present biography: Presently, Anai is traveling the world as a Finder and helping people. Doing quite the opposite of her brother, she finds joy is returning lost items to people rather than stealing valuables, but don't let that deceive you. She does still have some pretty sticky fingers and a keen eye for treasure. But her kleptomaniac instincts would never sabotage a job. Sometimes she is taking back items from Shoggoth that he had stolen from her clients. Her relationship with her brother is happy and healthy and they see each other frequently. Past history: Long ago, Anai lived in an unbound state with her brother Shoggoth. Shoggoth was a well known and highly feared thief lord and had built up quite a way of life and a reputation. Anai on the other hand did not believe in such ways and did not like the tremendous power that they possessed. So one day, she took it upon herself to get into contact with a shamen familiar with that art of sealing away their power. To Shoggoth's horror and dismay Anai and the shamen sealed away both of their powers into the prison bottle, which the shamen took into hiding. Having been reduced to such a frail and weak state, Shoggoth was furious and thought his power was merely a fraction of it once greatness, it was no less terrifying and Anai fled. She kept her distance for many years, enjoying her new form very much though never returning to Shoggoth until after he had reclaimed possession of his powers many many years later. Facts: - She really hates being unbound and won't touch her brother very often out of precaution of the prison bottle fastened to his belt. - She is a very well known Finder but very hard to get business with. Nit because she is busy with other clients but because she travels so often and has no set place of residency. - She can be terrifying when mad and it is greatly advised not to get on her bad side. - Even though she is very proud of her career and dislikes Shoggoth's stealing, old habits die hard and she does have a tendency to take things. - Anai is in no way a morning person. She can be very cranky or even violent if not treated with the utmost care in the mornings. Additional information:. She has a warm heart and a soft spot for children. She go to great lengths to help a child client in the odd chance she gets one. Her level has never been revealed, but it is evident that it is significantly lower than that of Shoggoth's.