


6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Karlo Vanille


??? ???? ???


Male, maybe??? ??? (he/him)


Karlo is a very strange inhabitant of the desert wastelands. Once a human, Karlo was infected by the Red Plague, and it had a strange affect on him. Usually the sickness will either deteriorate your mind and slowly kill you while also making you desire to kill others, or it will grant you bizarrely useful abilities. For Karlo however, it has done neither- or... both, sorta? His mind is completely broken, but he is capable of carrying on civilized conversations and being hospitable to his guests. For whatever reason, he is overtaken by the desire to bake as well as the need to kill, so he kind of does both at once, resulting in horrifying batches of "mystery" cupcakes. He is obsessed with teddy bears. Most calm when listening to music, it's unlikely he would harm anyone when a good song is playing. Little is known about Karlo's origins and how he came to the Wastelands, or how he became sick in the first place. Inhabitants generally agree to just avoid him, since he's not harmful enough to warrant attacking but not stable enough to befriend.