Pallu✨'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Vera Global Rules
I do not use role play sites. Anyone using my characters on such sites is not me and has not been given permission to do so.

✨- Gift/fan art: SFW is always fine, you don't even need to ask! I especially love interaction with others' characters! As long as it's clean and in-character, I will love it! Just please don't -expect- anything in return or hold it against me in the future.
✨- I'm okay with SOME inspiration being taken from my designs, especially if credit is given. Please don't outright steal or copy.
✨- Asking about pings on characters OUTSIDE my sonas/mains is okay. Do not add my sonas/mains to "dreamies" folders.
✨- When buying a commission or design from me, DO NOT edit my art without permission, nor pay someone else to do it, or run it through any AI programs. Only I edit my art unless you've bought a base. You can pay for changes to a design after buying it from me, or make changes on any -future- art made of them by yourself or others with permission, of course, but you cannot edit art that I have drawn, nor have someone else do it without my explicit permission. I may be okay with it if you ask, but if you don't, but proceed to do it anyway, I most certainly will NOT be okay with it. When in doubt, ASK.
✨- If you use, let me know so I can transfer the character to you with my rules applied.
✨- You are not welcome to buy my art or interact with me in any way if you are a TERF, racist, anti-choice, sexist, homophobic, or plan to turn my characters into children to sexualize. I can tolerate a lot of kinks, but I am not personally comfortable around anyone who sexualizes children, even if "just" in fantasy, for personal reasons.
✨- No refunds or chargebacks on adoptables. It's not like a commission. You know exactly what you got, and you got exactly that.