Rini Usagiyama



2 years, 3 months ago


rini usagiyama

Basic Info
NameRini Usagiyama



AgeMain cast



Hair ColorWhite

Eye ColorBlue

Blood TypeA

QuirkLuck Bunny


AffiliationUA High School


Fighting StyleClose Combat






  • Carrots 
  • Vegetables
  • Kawaii
  • Rabbits
  • Pastels
  • Running
  • Big animals, people with predator quirks
  • Incompetence
  • Being annoyed
  • Dark colors
  • Overly sensitive people
  • Meat
Quirk: luck bunny

Rini has the ability to harness the power of the bunny / rabbit. She is swift, quick, and strong. In addition to this, she can bring forth the symbol of luck and fortune from the bunny, being able to land her hits due to increased adrenaline.

  • Enhanced Strength - Most of Rini's strength is focused in her legs, which is how she uses her quirk.
  • Enhanced Speed -Because of the strength in her likes, Rini runs faster than the average person.
  • Agility
  • Luck - Due to her increased adrenaline, she is more likely to succeed in hitting her target.
Super Moves
  • Rabid Bunny- By using her increased adrenaline, Rini is much faster, quicker, and stronger. She quickly bounces off of surfaces, maneuvering and using her legs.

Rini is the sister of the famous Rabbit Hero: Mirko. She is extremely close with her sister and has a similar attitude and mannerisms. Rini is thought to be kind and sweet due to her outward appearance of her mutant quirk with her ears and cotton tail, but she is really outspoken and rash. She can also be seen with having a temper if something makes her angry enough. Despite this, she does have a burning hot desire to be a hero, so that she can save others and "kick massive butt" while she does. Rini aims to be just like her big sister, always coming to the aid of other's and saving other's with a heroic grin. 

Often times, Rini feels that she has to prove herself because she wants to avoid the claims of nepotism. She wants people to know that she worked hard using her quirk to improve her skill level and not because her sister puts out a good word for her. This can possibly be why she's so temperamental though it is mostly due to genetics.

Like her sister, Rini has a pretty athletic body but is slightly more lean due to less experience working as a Pro-Hero. She is very short. She has brown tanned skin, blue eyes, long white hair that is usually kept braided, long bunny ears, and a matching tail.

Rini usually wears the UA uniform but one that is customized to fit her tail. Her hero costume is a pink leotard with shorts, a lilac jacket with soft blue around the edge and sleeves, with matching pink and lilac boots with metal plating. She also wears a utility belt around her waist.

Her casual wear consists of many soft colors, with a Kawaii themed appearance.

  • Many people are surprised to find out that she is not as sweet as she looks.
  • She is an herbivore.
  • Like her cousin Yuki, she naturally feels on guard around those with predator like quirks
  • Rini has a pet rabbit though she doesn't consider her to be a pet, and more of an equal
  • She is occasionally trained by her sister.
  • In the Fantasy! AU, Rini is a rabbit.
  • https://www.pinterest.com/misschipotle63/b-girls/rini/

Rumi is the older sister to Rini. They have a very close relationship, with Rumi wanting to be a good role model for her younger sister and Rini wanting to be like her. When Rumi is not busy, she takes her sister under her wing to train her but stresses the importance of making your own way and not because she is related to a Pro-Hero.

Yuki KoCousin

Yuki is the cousin to Rini. They are close, but at times Yuki is very insecure and it does not mesh well with Rini's outgoing and extroverted personality. Regardless, the two are very good when paired up with each other due to their similar quirks, but it causes for some problems because Yuki does not speak up.

Linnea KireinaGirlfriend

Linnea and Rini don't get along at first. The two bump heads a lot but come to comfort each other after Midnight dies in the war. The two begin a casual relationship but decide to split due to Rini thinking Linnea still has feelings for her ex, Raijin. Linnea comes to realize she does want a serious relationship with Rini.

They get married in the future, adopting one child and Linnea carrying the second child.

Kousei and Rini have a "rivalry" but it is mainly due to Kousei besting Rini whenever they have class match ups.