


2 years, 6 months ago


**__Username:__** @MissAlpha#2184

***__General Info__***

❉ [Nick]Name: Applepatch

❉ Age: 35 Moons

❉ Gender: Male

❉ Sexuality: Bisexual

❉ Species/Breed: Manx

❉ Clan: Sageclan

❉ Rank: Warrior

❉ Personality: Apple is, in a word, paranoid. The only cat he ever speaks to is his sister, and even then, he isn't talkative. He is reserved and keeps to himself, usually staring off into space and thinking about who knows what. Although he may seem spacey, he is an avid listener and was attentive to his mentor and the other high-ranking cats of his clan. However, once you get past his strange demeanor and crack open his true self, Apple is secretly a softie who loves the sounds that birds make and collects feathers to line his nest in color coded loveliness. Although, he would rather not eat them if he can help it, often climbing trees for the heck of it to watch the birds in his free time. Applepatch is extremely protective of his sister, Rabbitlight, and will frequently come to her defense even when she doesn't necessarily want it.

❉ Weaknesses:
-Apple has a tendency to space-off and become easily distracted

-His shyness makes him a timid cat and he often has problems with standing up for himself and being extremely submissive. 

-His Moss ball, "Mossy" goes with him everywhere but hunting(as he needs his mouth for catching prey). They are inseperable and he is quite anxious and annoying without it. 

❉ Strengths: 

-He has excellent memory retention and is very intelligent despite his personality

-Apple is quick to make witty decisions and demonstrates a keen ability to keep his head calm in tough and stressful situations. (yes, even without Mossy)

-Even though he is too timid to stand up for himself, he puts himself out there for others and is a steadfast friend and loyal to his clanmates and leader/deputy.


❉ Description: A rather tall-ish cat, Applepatch is a buff warrior but also lean and lanky, most of his size in muscle with light tan fur that is as soft as his sister's but with darker patches of brown on his face and flank. His tail, as he is a MAnx cat, is a fluffy nub that he is rather self-conscious about.

❉ Size: Larger than his sister but only slightly, about 11 inches tall and 12 inches long. But he is a little heavier, about 10 pounds.

❉ Build:  He is a bit stocky and more muscular than his lean siblings, as he spent most of his time playing with Mossy and building up his strength climbing trees.

❉ Physical Weaknesses: 

- Applepatch isn't as strong as his littermate, but what he doesn't make up for in strength, he makes up for in speed, which makes him difficult to catch off guard.

- Applepatch has a snake bite on his back leg that sometimes acts up and gives him a limp when it is most inconvenient. At times, it can be due to stress or being overworked.

- This Brawnclan warrior cannot climb very well at all due to his lack of a long tail, much unline his other clanmates.

❉ Physical Strengths: 

- During battle, Applepatch has the distinct advantage to whirl on his attacker without his tail getting in the way, allowing for a speedy defense.

- While he isn't super strong, Applepatch is very agile and quick, a good cat to have charging into battle to save another cat or deliver an urgent message.

- This strong-willed warrior has very sharp claws, something he spends time doing quite often in his free time when he gets bored. It is said that they can slice through a branch in one swipe, though he doesn't really have the guts to prove it.


❉ Parents: Sandglare, Deerleap (DECEASED)

❉ Littermates/Siblings: Rabbitlight, Goldenpaw (DECEASED)

❉ Other Kin: Auburnblaze, Crowdawn

❉ Kits: N/A

❉ Crush: N/A

❉ Mate: N/A

❉ Previous mates: N/A

❉ Friends: Mossy.

❉ Enemies: N/A

❉ Backstory: 

Applekit was born into Sageclan to Sandglare and Deerleap. As a kit, he was never really making friends, typically by himself in the back corner of the nursery or with his siblings, Goldenkit and Rabbitkit, who he was closest to. Out of both his littermates, he and Rabbitkit were closest and he was very protective over her, even with Goldenkit and his parents. When the other kits were busy or asleep, Applekit would busy himself with anything to keep his mind working. And one day, one of the Sageclan elders offered him a moss ball. That moss ball, which he would eventually name “mossy”, went with Applekit everywhere and he often spoke to it as if it were a sentient being. The other cats did not like that Applekit was this strange, and kept their distance. His siblings, however, stuck by him and this is how Applepaw came to be very introverted and family oriented. 

After becoming an apprentice with his littermates at the same time, Applepaw STILL brought Mossy everywhere except training, hunting, and patrols. And even when he didn’t bring Mossy, it made him anxious and easily irritable. Like the one time they went on patrol, all three siblings with their mentors. Unfortunately, it was in the heat of the day when snakes were most active due to the calming sunlight, and that’s what got Goldenpaw killed and both Applepaw and Rabbitpaw had snake bites for the rest of their lives, even acting up sometimes due to stress or anxiety. Because of this accident, Applepaw developed a serious fear of snakes, even though he would most likely confront one without running if it was to save another clanmate.

As an apprentice, Applepatch had the irresistible urge to prove himself. Not just to his family, but to his clan as well. This ended in quite a few incidences that got Applepaw into a lot of trouble. For instance, Because of his lack of climbing ability, Applepaw once chased a squirrel clear over into Spiritcaln territory, which got him yelled at with extra apprentice duties. He also thought it would be a great idea to nearly fall into the black sand pit. Luckily, he was pulled away from the edge by his mentor and yelled at again. Applepaw ended up doing most of the apprentice duties, anyway, as he was a workaholic. He had mossy to help him, though.

Finally, as a warrior, Applepatch took his oath alongside Rabbitlight, and imagined Goldenpaw got her warrior name in Silverclan along with them. At least in his heart. But Applepatch made significantly less trouble as a warrior and grew to be one of the most skilled hunters, if not a great fighter. He had the talent for chasing rabbits and nearly keeping up with them across the sands of Sageclan territory, often bringing many home on hunting patrols to keep the clan’s bellies full. In leaf-bare, Sageclan territory didn’t get nearly as much snow as the other clan’s territories, so it was a little easier to hunt in that regard. His speed was what kept Sageclan fed. Most of the time. But that didn’t stop him from giving other cats credit for what he caught. Including apprentices that were having issues with pride.

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❉ Character Voice: N/A

❉ Character Theme: N/A

❉ Additional facts: (Optional)

❉ Picture: (N/A if no picture and 5+ line description)