


2 years, 1 month ago


This profile mentions nuclear war and mutually assured destruction.


AI machine

The lone submariner
Roswell's days are much of the same. Ever since the world exchanged nuclear fire ██ years ago, things have been rather quiet out at sea. He spends his time patrolling the waters around the Sea Platform ████████, a military installation that hasn't seen a sailor for many years; when not warning the extremely rare (and usually automated) vessel away with threats of torpedoes he'd rather not use, he can be found in his proxy body, the humanoid shape he uses to maintain the platform (and his true, submarine-shaped self).

The specialty and secrecy of his mission keeps him from reaching out to his sister ships, but to be frank, he considers the task to be a bit moot now that humans so rarely cross the sea. He hasn't so much as laid sensors on the contents of the cell he keeps guarded, a still, ice-cold block of lead and steel that he keeps polished for no one. All he knows is that somewhere in the confines of that containment brick structure is a radioactive something, and last he heard from the mainland, everybody and their commander wanted to get their hands on it.

Do those commanders still exist? Probably not. If they do, they certainly aren't reaching out. But Roswell has always considered himself a dedicated seaman, and holds fast to his neverending rotation of duties. Even if his superiors all bombed themselves to death, he has his orders....

When not going about his daily duties, Roswell enjoys parsing through a few hard drives gifted to him by sailors long ago, making playlists and watching movies. It's hard not to get lonely out there, though.


Hull no.

The automated sentinel
The USS Roswell is a unique subtype of the Dover-class of submarines. Although it has more in common with fast-attack submarines than its guided-missile type sister ships, it's included in the Dover class due to the inclusion of the same type of AI. The boat was initially commissioned to match its class, but was laid down as a smaller, custom craft in anticipation of a new mission, the guarding and maintenance of Sea Platform ████████.

Smaller than its sister ships at 408' in length, the USS Roswell is still a sizable sub, sporting a robust nuclear plant and an adjusted layout to accommodate extra ordinance. Backup batteries (~1hr) and diesel engines (~12 days, requires surfacing) are prepared to replace the main plant should it malfunction. Space is also set aside for storage and maintenance of a 12' proxy body, used remotely to repair the boat/platform. Due to the adjusted layout and additional systems needed to support the AI, the crew quarters are set up for a reduced crew of 90; however, the vessel is designed to work under full automation and under ideal conditions is unmanned. A modest army of small drones are rotated to keep up with interior maintenance in the absence of a traditional crew.

The proxy body is a critical tool for ongoing maintenance, allowing for the exterior of the boat to be cared for, as well as the sea platform. The body structure is primarily metal, with a rubbery exterior skin (nicknamed the 'dive suit') to keep components protected against seawater and debris. It requires remote control by the boat's onboard AI, although the AI can generally multitask between running the body and other tasks. A backup copy of the AI is also kept on the body's drives, allowing it to escape in an emergency such as sinking or shutdown. However, the body must be charged regularly and cannot run indefinitely.

Other boats in class include the USS Dover, USS Rachel, USS Kecksburg, USS Vernal, USS Aurora, and USS Marfa. Although they are united by their unique AI features, communication is generally limited to what is mission-critical. Incompatible top-secret clearance levels mean that the USS Roswell has no communication with its sister ships beyond basic warnings.