


2 years, 3 months ago


baiou cross - she/her - 14
4'9 | 145 cm - water element

baiou at first glance acts like your typical pretentious snob. hhe rarely acknowledges others, and even when she does, she speaks to others with brief, matter-of-fact statements. in most situations, she’ll appear incredibly bored. baiou’s emotional expression with strangers and those she doesn’t care too much about is incredibly limited, so she comes off as a stoic individual. her initial stiffness however melts away after some time has passed of knowing her, revealing an eccentric spirit with a great fascination for the misunderstood and the unknown - it would be more accurate to say that she’s more disinterested in what’s considered conventional, preferring to look outside the box and going about things using her own methods. she’s more than eager to do things that others normally wouldn’t do “in the name of science”, no matter how unsettling or crude it appears to be in the eyes of others. this inquisitiveness and need to satiate her curiosity however can make her come off as selfish, as she often tends to put her own best interests before the wellbeing of others.