


6 years, 6 months ago


NAME:  Eindride (Ein)

AGE: 18


DATE OF BIRTH: November 21

HEIGHT: 182 cm  | WEIGHT:  71 kg

PERSONALITY: Hostile, Sensitive, Nature-loving


Eindride was once a gladiator of the underground, whose role is to defeat whatever opponents the master has to offer and keep the audiences entertained. Ever since he was still a kid, Ein has been living there to keep himself alive so he hasn't seen the sunlight for a very long time. His personality in general, he's very hostile or animalistic rather since he was raised that way on his own. Even just a bit of provocation or threat, anything that stimulates his senses he often goes savage and won't hesitate to finish off what's in front (he was rather feared and barely made connections with anyone). Regarding how he fights on the stage, he doesn't seem to use any hand-held weapon like the other fighters, Ein does it with bare hands while depending on his sharp natural instincts. He can pretty much line up with other champions who can possibly earn a freedom by winning through but Ein doesn't seem to know about this conditions (Ein lacks to understand human-words). Ein only kills for two reasons: self-defense & food source, another thing why he is feared by some is mainly because of his cannibalistic behavior (he's not doing it for practice or anything, it's just natural for him to eat his own kind). Whenever Ein kills off an opponent, he often takes few bites from its corpse as "his way" of paying respect to the death. He's not entirely savage as he is in general; however, he can be quite appreciative and respectful towards all kinds of life forms, so he rarely gets picky about what he puts in his mouth.


Eindride never had a name of his own not until he was taken into the underground or met Sylva (in the other AU). Before Ein was part of the entertainment of the underground, he was an abandoned child in the deep forest who managed to survive on his own, like a fawn who just lost its mother, he strived to keep himself alive by any means possible without the knowledge of how a life of a human being actually works. For many years he has been living in the woods, he pretty much got used to the rule of "survival of the fittest" and has acquired a sharp sensing skill from his immersion in the wildlife. When Ein reached his 12th, he got captured by few human traffickers and took him to an untraceable location where he is sold to a master of underground gladiatorial entertainment. In that secluded place, Ein was raised as a warrior with his sense of sight taken away (by stitching up both of his eyelids, in exchange they've replaced his canines to titanium and engraved an emblem of slavery on his arm) and eventually after winning through couple of tournaments he was given a stage name known as "Hati Hróðvitnisson". Even though he has been living in the underground for many years Ein was nevertheless extremely hostile towards everyone, he wasn't able to receive any proper meal or medical attention in case he gets injured in the battle (he patches his own wounds with reused bandages). Though after getting himself exposed in the human world for a while, he was able to earn a bit of human language and connection from his few gladiators who seeks for release and freedom, Ein then slowly remembers the open world and seeks for the same. One night, a regular customer of the underground black market named Sylva came to watch the tournament of the gladiators (He visits the black market most probably for his hidden career purposes or just plain out of boredom). He witnesses Hati's (Eindride) by chance in that tournament and gets intrigued by his performances and cannibalistic behavior. Thinking that it's a waste to let Ein rot in the underground forever and also somewhat sympathizing him for having his sight and freedom taken away, Sylv then makes an arrangement to the game master for business negotiations; although gladiators are not usually for sale, the trading went well thanks to his sweet business talk, thus the property rights to own Ein was now handed over Sylv. Shortly, Ein was released from the grasp of the master and meets Sylv for the first time. He learns that he'll be able to feel the open world again, but somewhat hesitates to leave the underground for the other gladiators who are going to be left behind. Knowing that Ein is incapable of understanding most human words, Sylv then reassures by lying to him that the rest of the fighters are going to live just fine.

Facts (After release):
After the release, Ein's stitches on his eyes have been removed and was now able to see properly after many years (his titanium canine replaced by artificial teeth). Ein lives with Sylv and is educated by him through the use of pictures, videos, and other multimedia to help improve his communication skill and nurtures him to be more human-like. Ein tries to get used to proper human food instead of raw meats, though he seems to enjoy ramune candy for some reason.

His real name "Eindride" was able to discover after Sylv tracked down his bio data in Russia, and learns that Ein was once an orphan abandoned by the facility. He also finds out about the former incidents of missing children and tourists in the woods being abducted and eaten by an unknown creature. (Sylv assumes it was Ein's doing back in childhood)

Even though Ein's savage hostile behavior has subsided a bit after living with Sylv for a while, he still depends on the use of meds and shock collar (with detonating function) after Sylv went through the hell of sexual cannibalism.


  • Sharp Senses
  • Fast Reflex
  • Sturdy Vitality


  • Meat (preferably human)
  • Tundra
  • Giving Gift (bones, insects, feathers, carcass, etc.)


  • Threats
  • Fire
  • Foul Scent



LANGUAGE: Italian, English (both grade school level)


CAREERS: Not Applicable

     Former careers: Gladiator


     Any former relationships? Yes / No / NA

SEXUALITY: Anything capable of mating

KINKS: Cannibalism, Thighs

D-SIZE: 8.45"