
2 years, 6 months ago




Arx is a changeling who grew up in a group of underground traveling changelings. The groups main purpose was survival through various crimes, one off jobs, and taking identities. The birth of a new being in the group created new challenges for the small group of changelings ,so everyone in the group took a caretaker role leaving Arx to not really be sure who his actual parents were ,but rather the whole group was a sort of family. Arx grew learning skills in petty crimes and how to contribute to the survival of the traveling group. Nothing was concrete and life within the group led to little exploration of the self. Arx didn't know who he was and this group didn't entirely help him with that self discovery. The first time they really found something that spoke to them is when they picked up an instrument during their travels and fell in love with music. When Arx reached an older age he eventually left the group to pursue this music and attempt at some sort of self discovery. The created an alter ego known as Forrest and practiced music at various taverns slowly growing a name themselves. At some point they settled down in a small town and became a specific tavern's entertainment for a while. This was the first moment of consistency they ever had in their life. This is also where they would meet their future husband, Zorron. Zorron was a patron at the tavern Arx would frequent who seemed smitten by the bard. He was persistent and Arx  refused him a couple times until Zorron preformed at the bar and Arx became somewhat endured and agreed to a date. Through Zorron Arx went through a process of self discovery as Zorron seemed to be confident he saw who Arx was even though they themselves were unsure. Arx and Zorron soon developed a relationship they resulted in marriage. The two settled down together and ended up becoming a rather well known traveling bard duo. 

Unknown to Arx, Zorron's past made him many enemies. Zorron had a past of making deals, he knew devils, he knew demons, but he had abandoned that life for a low key hide away life style that happened to be in the small town Arx also settled in. Perhaps it was the years of safety the two had ,but Zorron didn't think his past was gonna find him, however as the two's reputation across the lands grew Zorron became a well known sore thumb to those he owed within the 9 hells. Their life together as a couple would be cut short as Zorron's enemies had found him and through a series of brutal events killed him, and burned their home to ash. By the time Arx had some home that day Zorron's soul had been long gone and his body was nothing more ,but a pile of ash with a ring on top. 

Arx swore on that day to find who did this to the only one he ever trusted and loved. His first friend, his fist love, his first everything slipped from their hands. He was going to find who did it and make sure they met just as brutal as an end.

 But really...

Where was he supposed to start?


Name Arx
Theme          Good Riddance
Age late 20s early 30s
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns He/him/they/them
Race Changeling
Sexuality  intrigue
Occupation Traveling bard


  • ✦ Their husband-
  • ✦ bread/pastries 
  • ✦ Music
  • ✦ Consistency 
  • ✦ Quiet


  • ✦ pushy people
  • ✦ boats
  • ✦ whoever killed Zorro-
  • ✦ Multiple people talking to him at once



Arx is someone who prefers to be as detached as possible. They often resort in pushing people away or holding people to a distance. They have a hard time navigating feels, relationships, and emotions, and from their history its all just painful in the end. Arx often resorts to this snarky, passive aggressive sort of demeanor and isn't against an odd fib or lie to ensure their own security. Arx can appear to have a lack of emotion, but really everything they really do is a measure to not have to address those feelings even if its at the cost of potential friendships. Due to their upbringing Arx is pretty adaptive and able to accept things quickly without much trouble. Arx has this very "focus on the prize" type of mindset that while setbacks are upsetting ultimately it doens't matter as long as the goal is met. Arx after the death of their husband has has made an effort to act as if their husband is still alive, mostly out of a means of coping as they loved Zorron and he help so much progress in Arx's discovery. Arxoften questions their own self granted behind closed doors as they themselves are still unsure of their own identity. If they admit their husband is dead then they worry that they'll loose themselves once again.



✦ Arx's name was given to him by Zorron.
✦ As his alt identity "Forrest" Arx has a very docile and quiet attitude. Almost socially awkward?