


2 years, 2 months ago



Humans can be so weak relying on a lover to comfort them.


Name Nightflower
Alias Nightfall
Age Early 20's?
Birthday Mar 5th
Orient. Aro/Ace
Pronouns He/him
Height 5'6
Occupation Wild
Status Alive/Nfs

Just like any other placco Nightflower has an interest for the woodlands and solely because he doesn’t like the human interaction other placco’s call normal despite being very silent and quite territorial he lives peacefully on his own, attracted to the sound of water,bugs and the bright night sky.


  • He uses his tail prehensile wise and hangs from trees or uses it for defense!
  • The flowers on Nightflower are optional except those on his head and tail!(traits)
  • He gets very disgusted by how humans keep flowers and animals inside their homes and is always thinking about what went wrong decades ago.
  • Nightflower hates wearing clothes as he thinks it feels “wrong?’.
  • He is more active in the night rather than morning .
  • Open water
  • Night skies
  • Bats
  • The moon and stars
  • Loud noises
  • Humans/pretty much anybody
  • Being crowded
  • Being spooked or surprised



introvert extrovert

intuitive observant

thinking feeling

judging prospecting

assertive turbulent

Nightflower values In himself the most. He is very introverted and dislikes the company of others. In conversations, He is perceptive, critical and empathetic. He thinks about himself because he is usually by himself, often blunt and unfriendly. His world view is very pessimistic as if it could be better. He is Self upbringing, Independant, skeptical, egotistc, sincere and confident. He is also dull, which reflects in his decisions and conversations.


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