


2 years, 3 months ago




Name Kier Thorne
Called Kier
Age 29
Gender Male
Race Ram-Hybrid (Mixed)
Role High General of the Fye Kingdom
Alignment Lawful Neutral


  • Father of 3
  • Husband
  • Mentor


  • Spending time with his kids
  • Afternoon breaks
  • Working on the farm

Kier was a solider foremost. A general second. A husband and father third. At the young age of 17, his parents had enrolled him in the Razohan military. Growing up, he was a rowdy kid. Kier had a tongue on him, and often got in trouble with his peers. Until, the military shaped him into being a solemn, stoic, strong-willed thinker. When enlisting, he stumbled upon one of the younger kids who often got picked on. Perseus was far too young to be a solider--and Kier helped him grow. Kier taught him many life-lessons, and became a mentor and a brother-figure to him. Since Kier and Perseus neither had siblings growing up. Everything was going well until Fye attacked. Forced to flee, Kier protected Perseus and got dragged to one of the military cells for the Fye kingdom. He was beat, tortued, and his willingess to believe in his country had dwindled. A guard took a chance on him, and enrolled him to the Fye military. Soon enough, due to his ram-hybrid abilites and prowress, he rose in the ranks and soon enough was appointed to be a High general alongside many other Fye Generals. Although he felt he never truly had a place--his wife, Jaylnn, had made his life sweeter. When he was 25, he became a father. Kier loves his wife and his 3 kids dearly. Every chance he's away at the castle, he's working on his wife's farm. Life was calm, and steady. Everything was ideal to him--even if the growing tension at the castle was eating away at him due to the Prince's sudden assassination of the King. Kier was tasked to hunt down the Prince and eventually cornered Ievis. That was, until Perseus threatened him, protecting the Prince.


Kier was a solider foremost. A general second. A husband and father third. At the young age of 17, his parents had enrolled him in the Razohan military. Growing up, he was a rowdy kid. Kier had a tongue on him, and often got in trouble with his peers. Until, the military shaped him into being a solemn, stoic, strong-willed thinker. When enlisting, he stumbled upon one of the younger kids who often got picked on. Perseus was far too young to be a solider--and Kier helped him grow. Kier taught him many life-lessons, and became a mentor and a brother-figure to him. Since Kier and Perseus neither had siblings growing up. Everything was going well until Fye attacked. Forced to flee, Kier protected Perseus and got dragged to one of the military cells for the Fye kingdom. He was beat, tortued, and his willingess to believe in his country had dwindled. A guard took a chance on him, and enrolled him to the Fye military. Soon enough, due to his ram-hybrid abilites and prowress, he rose in the ranks and soon enough was appointed to be a High general alongside many other Fye Generals. Although he felt he never truly had a place--his wife, Jaylnn, had made his life sweeter. When he was 25, he became a father. Kier loves his wife and his 3 kids dearly. Every chance he's away at the castle, he's working on his wife's farm. Life was calm, and steady. Everything was ideal to him--even if the growing tension at the castle was eating away at him due to the Prince's sudden assassination of the King. Kier was tasked to hunt down the Prince and eventually cornered Ievis. That was, until Perseus threatened him, protecting the Prince.


When King Lyan had appointed him to go fetch his sword in one of the blacksmith's villages, Kier was awfully reluctant. He considered it low-work, and no other general of the horse/Unicorn descent would be appointed such useless tasks. For a while, Kier resented the mission. It was long and tedious. Taking 4 days away from the castle because of the prior storm that wrecked the roads. Although, upon arriving, he got a chance to speak to the blacksmith's daughter, Jaylnn. The two of them hit it off immediately. Jaylnn had never seen a ram-hybrid, and was intrigued by their affinity for the earth. She showed him how to handle the farm, and how to forge a sword. Kier...was hooked. Even though his trip had lasted 3 days, he was pulled to her. Kier fell in love with the way she talked, the way her eyes would crease when she'd laugh, and the moles on her cheeks would tighten when she'd smile. He's never felt this way before. Soon enough, after months of relaying letters and small trips, the two of them made it offical. They are now happily married on the farm and have 3 beautiful kids. Nico, the 3rd-child. Owain the middle-born, and Eve the first born.


The two of them were brothers. Mentors, even. Perseus looked up to Kier in many ways. Kier often found himself amused by the rowdy young kid. The both of them were young in the military so they camped together, ate together, trained together, and were there for eachother. Through it all, they were friends. Kier enjoyed how Perseus would eat clumsily, and Perseus enjoyed how Kier's tail would lash when he was often mad. When the war broke out, Kier never left the kid's side. They fought together, trading blows off of eachother like they were made for this. The two of them knew eachother's rythm to never miss a beat. Fye kept supplying more and more missles, and Razohan retreated. In the admist of war, Perseus had suffered a great blow over his cheek and over his nose. He was blinded by blood, temporarily, and couldn't move. Kier lifted him up on his shoulder and forced himself to keep moving. Stumbling upon more and more soliders, Kier pleaded to not kill them. For some reason, perhaps it was pity, the soliders agreed. Yet, they didn't agree to not capture them. The first time Perseu saw Kier, he had Ievis pinned to the ground, the prince unconscious; with a blade pressed against the Prince's neck, Perseus attacked Kier. The two of them fought, trading equal blows. Kier lost his footing and lost the fight, with the blade now pressed against his neck. They were brothers, and as they stood looming over eachother, their eyes wide open, Kier told Perseus: "Don't kill me, I need to see my kids again." And that's when Perseus drew the sword away.


  • Kier has a broken horn because of the Fye's guards when he was a prisoner.
  • The Scar on his lip was earned when he was sparring with the General to earn his spot. Unsheathed swords were allowed.
  • Jaylnn works at a farm and now took over her father's blacksmith work ever since her father retired. Kier tends to it.
  • Although Kier is hesitant to show Perseus his family, Jaylnn hugs Perseus tight--and Kier caves in. He let's Perseus in, after all these years.
  • When Eve was born, (the first-born), he cried for days. Jaylnn had thought it was funny, but Kier was over protective of everything. These kids were one of the very last few ram-hybrids still in exisistence. Fye had wiped them all out. Famine and disease killed the country. Kier's kids were the last hope.



Perseus [ relationship ]

Brothers and then to strangers. Although they're relationship was tampered due to the 5 years of not seeing eachother, and Kier being a general; Kier still heavily cared for Perseus. Later on, even giving up his loyalty to assist his childhood friend in putting Ievis as the rightful ruler.


Prince Ievis [ relationship ]

The two of them didn't start off the wrong foot. Kier was tasked to hunt down the traitor prince and bring him back to King Lyan. Upon knocking him out, and healing him back at his farm, Ievis was hesitant to even be around Kier. Jaylnn had forced the two of them to become friends--and the two of them were alike eachother in more ways than some.


Razir [ relationship ]

Enemies through and through. Razir was one of the bounties and bounty-hunter that had a head, dead or alive, for about 5 mil. Kier had only ever met him once, through Perseus, when they were fighting against eachother. Kier helped Perseus chase off Razir--even if it meant damaging his own skin. The fight was brutal and Kier had barley managed to win if it wasn't for Ievis's healing.
