


2 years, 3 months ago



"Put a quote here or something."




   Kidd, or Phantom as he is known in the underground world, is a consultant for the CIA and a master of disguise. He is a living enigma with an arrogant smile and a wicked demeanour that makes him as infuriating as he is addicting. He does as he pleases and so long as he doesn't commit any serious (or indiscreet) crimes he gets away with it due to his indispensable skills as a spy. 

    No one knows what this trickster is thinking with his sassy vibe and feminine beauty that he uses to seduce and flirt with everyone he encounters, he doesn't work well with others as he tends to go off on his own and keep secrets as to his plans, much to the frustration of his handlers assigned to keep an eye on his activity. He adores the the thrill of life and is always looking for an opportunity to test his skills. There is no security system he cannot crack and no person he cannot impersonate 

His address and contact information are completely unknown, save for one untraceable phone number known only to the director of the CIA. He never goes straight home after work, always taking several winding routes and changing disguises as he goes to make sure he isn't being followed. All this is of course for his own protection as he is very mistrustful of others.

Despite being uncontactable, he always seems to pop up right when someone needs him. (Likely because he is tapping the agencies phones and offices)


  • AGE28
  • Diet styleMixed (see more in habits)
  • exercisesParkour, Balance exercises etc
  • HEIGHT5'7
  • WEIGHT120 lb
  • GENDERMale
  • speciesHuman
  • sleep quirksLight and ready to react
  • OCCUPATIONEx-thief/CIA Consultant

  • alignmentChaotic neutral but with moral code (that is lost on most people)
  • ARCHETYPEJester and Creator
  • SEXUALITYPansexual
  • SOCIAL STANDINGHated by awed
  • guilty pleasures
  • BIRTHPLACE Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • companion


Skilled • Mysterious • intelligent

Kidd is the most highly skilled agent known to the CIA. He is an enigmatic individual with the quick thinking 47857048_TXKNqFpsLR3WhGQ.pngand intelligence that make him an invaluable asset to the agency. Any job that cannot be done by normal means is sent to Kidd, and his ingenious and creative methods often shock and awe those who are forced to work alongside him. Kidd is a passionate flirty person with a dark sense of humour; he is somewhat of a perfectionist and despite his usual attitudes, a bleeding heart who will put himself at risk in order to safeguard the life or wellbeing of others, even strangers, if they come into danger because of his actions. It is for this reason that, despite his sordid past and captivatingly annoying personality, the people of the CIA can put their trust in him. 

Kidd loves to entertain and amuse people with his antics, and so while complex, frustrating or obnoxious, he is never meanspirited without purpose. The biggest complement you can give him is when someone says 'well at least he's never boring' 


An incorrigible man with a high sex drive, Kidd has taken more than half of his colleagues to bed during his time at the CIA, though none of them will admit to it; he wears a perpetual arrogant smile that masks his thoughts and makes him seem almost inhumanly composed. He is a huge tease and enjoys getting people in a ruffle, a highly dominant individual though he enjoys playing the sub to confuse people, he is infamous for his love of control play and will engage in this with whoever is unfortunate enough to be trapped in conversation with him.
Nothing Kidd says should be taken with any value, he thrives on twisting logic and making people dance to his merry tune, just when you think everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie he will throw out a double bluff and tell the truth, making it impossible to know what's going on behind that smile. He is a perfectionist and takes a lot of pride in his skills, tending to look down on others for their weaknesses.
Has a lot of cheesy lines. 


The beginning

Kidd was internationally renowned as the worlds greatest thief over his 10 year career. Though he was high on many government hit lists due to his disguise and infiltration skills posing significant threat to hidden intelligence secrets he was never captured nor did anyone ever catch a glimpse of his true face, until one day the director of the CIA came to his office to find a petite, feminine man sitting in his chair, wearing black chained platform boots, leather booty shorts, a fishnet shirt and an enigmatic smile, and announced that he was retiring from the business and looking for a new adventure. 

Kidd was introduced as a consultant to the CIA the next day, much to the shock and horror of the people who had been trying to catch him over the last decade. He waltzed into the briefing room wearing a pink tartan skirt and sweater vest combo and a pair of large circular glasses and coquettishly winked at the room, inciting a strange combination of rage and arousal in most of the people there. 



Sed non interdum nibh, ac blandit magna. Proin pretium nulla ac felis rutrum, vitae scelerisque arcu commodo. Proin quis erat ac libero pellentesque mattis tincidunt at enim. Donec at rhoncus diam. Pellentesque interdum felis eget mauris tincidunt, nec facilisis ante dictum. Integer sit amet justo cursus, scelerisque felis pretium, feugiat leo. Cras a enim a risus imperdiet vehicula sed quis lorem. Phasellus molestie lacus mauris, tincidunt blandit justo pretium et. Ut convallis tortor sit amet lorem euismod, ut venenatis neque pharetra. In fringilla imperdiet ipsum, non suscipit justo interdum at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce vel velit at velit maximus efficitur. Vestibulum iaculis ullamcorper odio, lobortis bibendum nisl ullamcorper eget. Nam aliquam tempus dignissim. Praesent eget elit ipsum. Aenean eu mattis nunc, id venenatis eros.

Cras vel lorem euismod, ornare odio et, lobortis erat. Aliquam fringilla imperdiet efficitur. Etiam mollis pharetra ligula vel cursus. Nam cursus nulla quis malesuada venenatis. Nam ultricies varius nibh vel luctus. Donec egestas porttitor odio. Duis sed est nec odio tempor luctus. Curabitur mattis, libero ac tincidunt rutrum, urna enim ultricies neque, vel volutpat ipsum risus vitae nunc. Vestibulum ante leo, sodales eu posuere ac, blandit sit amet ante. Nunc iaculis eget sem eu egestas. Quisque fermentum leo risus. Nam eu elit maximus, cursus ex ut, commodo neque.


Etiam dictum neque nec arcu molestie, ac feugiat nunc porta. Morbi et molestie nibh, non sollicitudin nibh. Pellentesque eget vehicula ligula. Quisque a lectus quis quam gravida mattis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris laoreet purus id consequat maximus. Pellentesque vel hendrerit sapien, vel sagittis elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc libero nibh, ullamcorper et turpis eu, accumsan vehicula lacus. Integer interdum luctus est at lobortis. Nulla facilisis maximus ultricies. In vel efficitur purus. Fusce suscipit sed libero ac venenatis. Cras diam dolor, malesuada fringilla ultricies eu, lacinia fermentum ex. Duis sagittis nibh vel sem iaculis tincidunt. Donec efficitur pretium purus ac lacinia.

Morbi eu iaculis risus, nec suscipit purus. Quisque tincidunt malesuada porttitor. Proin vitae condimentum tellus, at porta eros. Etiam sit amet mollis dui, id tempor mi. Fusce vulputate imperdiet vulputate. Ut et dictum ipsum. Etiam finibus dolor consequat nulla tempor, eget tempus erat laoreet. Sed at suscipit urna, malesuada lacinia nunc. Mauris fringilla dolor eros, sed tincidunt nisl scelerisque eu. Cras auctor tempor enim vel lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.





Describe the relationship dynamic here. Do they fight often, or do they get along really well? Is there a power imbalance between them, or are they on equal standing? Is there mutual trust and respect between one another, or is it one-sided? How is their communication? Do they talk things out with each other or try to understand the other, or are misunderstandings frequent between them?

Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac. Suspendisse nulla diam, vulputate in porta et, pellentesque quis eros. Nunc a elementum magna. Sed nec blandit purus. Nam nunc quam, tincidunt nec vulputate et, ultrices ut neque. Vivamus at aliquet lorem. Proin auctor sem nec ex hendrerit tristique.


Briefly describe the characters' history with each other. How did they first meet (if applicable)? What were their initial thoughts on the other? How did their relationship progress? Was it a smooth progress, or were there a lot of bumps along the way? Did they hit it off pretty well at first, or did they take some time to warm up to one another? Did something happen that caused their relationship to change, for better or worse?

Suspendisse potenti. Duis tempus at felis feugiat volutpat. Ut sit amet arcu turpis. Curabitur at arcu enim. Donec ultricies convallis mi. Quisque ac enim eget magna placerat dignissim quis id ligula. Aliquam porttitor ante dui, iaculis eleifend neque vulputate in. Mauris nisi eros, sagittis nec aliquet et, pharetra sit amet libero. Phasellus rutrum odio at nibh elementum convallis vitae et odio. Integer sed feugiat dolor, vitae maximus massa. Sed eu varius enim. Morbi varius, leo ac vulputate venenatis, nibh enim ultrices mi, sed ultricies odio mi eget metus.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.




Describe the relationship dynamic here. Do they fight often, or do they get along really well? Is there a power imbalance between them, or are they on equal standing? Is there mutual trust and respect between one another, or is it one-sided? How is their communication? Do they talk things out with each other or try to understand the other, or are misunderstandings frequent between them?

Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac. Suspendisse nulla diam, vulputate in porta et, pellentesque quis eros. Nunc a elementum magna. Sed nec blandit purus. Nam nunc quam, tincidunt nec vulputate et, ultrices ut neque. Vivamus at aliquet lorem. Proin auctor sem nec ex hendrerit tristique.


Briefly describe the characters' history with each other. How did they first meet (if applicable)? What were their initial thoughts on the other? How did their relationship progress? Was it a smooth progress, or were there a lot of bumps along the way? Did they hit it off pretty well at first, or did they take some time to warm up to one another? Did something happen that caused their relationship to change, for better or worse?

Suspendisse potenti. Duis tempus at felis feugiat volutpat. Ut sit amet arcu turpis. Curabitur at arcu enim. Donec ultricies convallis mi. Quisque ac enim eget magna placerat dignissim quis id ligula. Aliquam porttitor ante dui, iaculis eleifend neque vulputate in. Mauris nisi eros, sagittis nec aliquet et, pharetra sit amet libero. Phasellus rutrum odio at nibh elementum convallis vitae et odio. Integer sed feugiat dolor, vitae maximus massa. Sed eu varius enim. Morbi varius, leo ac vulputate venenatis, nibh enim ultrices mi, sed ultricies odio mi eget metus.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.




Describe the relationship dynamic here. Do they fight often, or do they get along really well? Is there a power imbalance between them, or are they on equal standing? Is there mutual trust and respect between one another, or is it one-sided? How is their communication? Do they talk things out with each other or try to understand the other, or are misunderstandings frequent between them?

Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac. Suspendisse nulla diam, vulputate in porta et, pellentesque quis eros. Nunc a elementum magna. Sed nec blandit purus. Nam nunc quam, tincidunt nec vulputate et, ultrices ut neque. Vivamus at aliquet lorem. Proin auctor sem nec ex hendrerit tristique.


Briefly describe the characters' history with each other. How did they first meet (if applicable)? What were their initial thoughts on the other? How did their relationship progress? Was it a smooth progress, or were there a lot of bumps along the way? Did they hit it off pretty well at first, or did they take some time to warm up to one another? Did something happen that caused their relationship to change, for better or worse?

Suspendisse potenti. Duis tempus at felis feugiat volutpat. Ut sit amet arcu turpis. Curabitur at arcu enim. Donec ultricies convallis mi. Quisque ac enim eget magna placerat dignissim quis id ligula. Aliquam porttitor ante dui, iaculis eleifend neque vulputate in. Mauris nisi eros, sagittis nec aliquet et, pharetra sit amet libero. Phasellus rutrum odio at nibh elementum convallis vitae et odio. Integer sed feugiat dolor, vitae maximus massa. Sed eu varius enim. Morbi varius, leo ac vulputate venenatis, nibh enim ultrices mi, sed ultricies odio mi eget metus.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.



Kidd (in his undisguised form) stands long and tall with a loose flow of his shoulders and a sassy tilt to his hips. His body is graceful like a dancers and he moves with a sort of thoughtfulness as though every movement he makes is calculated for a certain impact.47857002_Ba63G2Jw9XBHgML.png

Nullam nec aliquet risus. Pellentesque cursus felis sit amet nisl molestie, quis dapibus enim porta. Vestibulum bibendum ligula in nisl aliquam iaculis. Morbi mollis sapien sem, consectetur aliquet nisi commodo in. Cras eu iaculis dolor. Donec efficitur est augue, nec vulputate odio aliquam ut.

HABITS and prejudices


Kidd has never been known to watch what he eats in the presence of others, likely due to a need to appear unconcerned by everyday things such as weight. However, he actually maintains a strict diet to keep his weight down which can result in some particularly long fasting periods after he has overindulged


Likely due to spending a large portion of his life in disguise, Kidd is vain about his looks and will more often than not coordinate the colour of his eyes to match his clothing with use of coloured contacts


Briefly describe your character's habit here. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris id lacus vitae nunc dignissim pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Can't stand children under 7, theyre not socially indoctrinated enough to be manipulatable


Do no lasting harm (bruising is fine, nothing they wont have forgotten about 2 days later) 



Vaguely flirty and innuendo-y


Enjoys soft jump scaring people by coming up behind them out of nowhere


Yes but infrequently enough that people would be minorly surprised to hear him do it


Sometimes holds eye contact to creepy degrees

Slowly lolls his head from side to side when thinking something through out loud, also always sits in a half cross legged pose with his feet together when thinking 


"How exactly are you doing that?"

"With a lot of tape and a lot of latex"

—Kidd proving he can disguise as a naked woman

"If you keep staring at me like that the tape's gonna give out"

—Kidd going down on a male colleague disguised as a naked woman

"Quote goes here."

—to whom or when they said this quote



What's your character's posture like? Do they slouch? Are they stiff/ upright/ rigid?


Only when in the role of someone who smokes and even then only sparingly, keeping his body in top condition is too important


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown



Defence Mechanisms

Threat response

You can give a brief overview/ description of your character's general health here. If you'd like, you can also list any past health concerns that your character has faced/ overcome, and/ or is fighting against. Sed vel urna vehicula purus commodo maximus vitae eu urna. Aenean gravida magna non diam pretium accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisl velit, finibus nec odio ut, porttitor malesuada mi.

Donec scelerisque nunc non feugiat blandit. Nunc consequat vel massa vehicula commodo. Praesent pellentesque nisi in orci lacinia cursus. Nunc condimentum tristique imperdiet. Donec vulputate at turpis ac eleifend. Maecenas ut iaculis massa, nec vulputate erat. Maecenas eget nunc id est sollicitudin convallis sed a mauris.


Silver Tongue

Kidd can speak many languages due to his forays in many countries. Not only that, but he can use his cunning way with words to manipulate, trick, deceive, lie and otherwise cause havoc with people's thoughts and emotions. 


Kidd has great physical and mental tolerance to pain, exhaustion and ill health. When working his professional pride and rigid self control keep him from the brink of collapse until he can retreat to a place of complete safety. Only one person at the CIA has ever seen him in this state and she would go on to join him as his companion and partner 


Though he doesn't have much strength in terms of brute power, Kidd has wicked stamina.


It has often been said that there is no skill that Kidd hasn't mastered. For his impersonations Kidd has had to display a number of talents including playing the guitar, tap dancing, singing, etc Some of his more unusual talents are pole dancing, animal tracking and ventriloquism


Describe your character's strength here. Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor.


Physical Power

His physical power isn't that great, his body being build for speed and stealth rather than brute power, not to mention him being underweight for a man of his height so as to be able to disguise himself as a slim woman, but he makes up for it with his cunning and manipulation of people. 


Kidd has alcohol intolerance and avoids the stuff like the plague. If he accidentally ingests some he gets a rash and stuffy nose, if he drinks more after that he gets quite intense intestinal distress, though he wont black out since he has trained his mind to stay conscious in the face of pain and extreme exhaustion, he dislikes for people to see him in a weakened state.


Kidd is quite weak to the cold and not only does this have a large impact on his fine motor skills in tasks like lock picking but it also makes him act like a crabby little bitch.


Not many people know this, but Kidd is quite ticklish. Unfortunately two or three of his colleagues at the CIA have discovered this closely guarded secret and use to tease him whenever he gets too intolerable, which Kidd finds infuriating, especially because his dislike of being touched thoughtlessly.


Due to the high stress nature of his life Kidd will occasionally disappear from the public eye for a few hours or a day to deal with crippling migraines. Again, very few people know about this as he gets some warning when one is about to happen and can disappear in time, but the odd incident has happened mid mission that is never ever spoken about again


Kid isn't exactly a great cook. Not that the food he makes is inedible or anything, but he finds that kitchen appliances mysteriously malfunction when he tries to use them. Roast chickens explode, sinks flood, and spatulas find themselves embedded in the ceiling. The one time he cooked at the bureau his handler swore she heard the extractor hood laugh right before it fell on him. After the 3rd time Kidd's clothes caught fire he decided he would stick to eating out.

His villa does h a v e a kitchen, but only the maid cooks there.




 Kidd has a naturally high IQ and a knack for picking up languages. His problem solving skills and critical thinking allow him to respond to any and all situations that arise in the field, those who know him often say Kidd is what would happen if a super computer decided to mess with people.



With an incredible lack of concern for the consequences of his actions, Kidd is able to dive into situations with all manner of convoluted plans that risk life and limb with complete confidence in himself and his abilities. It is this that allows him to pull off the most dangerous and impossible of tasks. 


Self control

Kidd has an incredible level of self control and the tolerance for stress needed to micro manage every aspect of his appearance, behaviour and speech to present the perfect mask of himself to onlookers. Protecting his identity, contact information, location, habits and personal information are all vital to protect himself from arrest or assassination.  




A combination of skills including safe cracking, hacking, disguise, lock picking, stealth, balance, problem solving and dexterity add up to make Kidd one of the most skilled stealth operators in the world; there is no secret he cannot steal, no building he cannot breach. He has immense flexibility and gymnastic ability, meaning he can zip about a scene, grapple up walls, and generally boing around with ease.





Describe your character's skill here. You can mention how they developed this skill, how good they are at this skill, if they use this skill for good/ evil, etc. Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus.


  • People - theyre hilariously entertaining and fun to be around
  • Himself - it's probably vain to say but he is immensely proud of his skills 
  • Sexy times
  • Sweets and sugar
  • Unknown


  • People - He knows it's contradictory but people can't be trusted and he can't relax around them
  • Alcohol
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • FOOD Unknown
  • DRINKBlack Coffee
  • COLOURBlack
  • NUMBER 0
  • SPORTParkour

  • ANIMALBat / Goat
  • scentTea tree
  • SEASONAutumn
  • TIME OF DAY Indifferent
  • GENRE(S) Unknown




Describe your character's hobby here. You can mention how they got into the hobby, how long they've been doing it for, if they're any good at it, and so forth. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean laoreet mauris vitae quam interdum elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



Describe your character's hobby here. You can mention how they got into the hobby, how long they've been doing it for, if they're any good at it, and so forth. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean laoreet mauris vitae quam interdum elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



Describe your character's hobby here. You can mention how they got into the hobby, how long they've been doing it for, if they're any good at it, and so forth. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean laoreet mauris vitae quam interdum elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Home life/pet/misc data

Kidd spends much of his life in hotels when working with the CIA, but when he is ready for a break he retreats to his most secret secret identity as a well off young lady and his beloved beach villa in Greece. 



Describe your character's dream here. This isn't just what they hope to achieve, but it can be what they hope the world to be around them would be like. Goals are more personal; dreams are more about the world around the character.


Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.


Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.



Describe your character's secret here. Is it a small secret, or a big secret? Why is it a secret? Who do they keep it a secret from? How good are they at keeping it?


Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.


Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.



Describe your character's fear here.


Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.


Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • When drawing him feel free to do whatever you like with his hairstyle since he does tend to mix it up a lot (just don't change the length) He doesn't naturally have bangs but does wear attachments frequently
    Also feel free to remove any of his piercings because he doesn't always wear them (especially with his more feminine outfits)
    Also his eye colour can change to match what he's wearing since he's a big fan of coloured contacts



Average height but so slim he looks quite long unless up close


Long and thin


Narrow olive green eyes


Mid waist length


Varies depending on the day, but most often loose and wavy, ponytailed or in a bun, or with double side buns


So many chocolatey freckles on his cheeks and nose, his shoulder and on patches all over his body


A tattoo on his left inner thigh, an unrecognisably stylised goats head


Kidd has 10 piercings total, 2 in the right ear lobe, one in the left, one in the left ear cartilage, on the left side of his lower lip, nose and eyebrow, one on his left nipple, his right side collarbone  and one in his belly button




Kidd wears a wide variety of clothing, usually more on the feminine side, he is especially fond of pretty skirts and tight fitting skinny leggings or jeans,  he is a sucker for anything slutty and revealing. On days he doesn't feel like dressing up or is maintaining a lower profile he opts for form fitting long sleeve tshirts

he can rock a suit

Morbi vestibulum nibh a metus luctus ullamcorper. Morbi tristique facilisis urna, ut pellentesque sapien fringilla id. Aenean eget iaculis risus. Ut malesuada blandit felis sed viverra. Sed accumsan, nulla ut varius dapibus, felis tortor hendrerit turpis, et porttitor ex tellus id libero. Phasellus nec augue mollis, maximus felis nec, laoreet elit. Nulla rhoncus nulla enim, eu sollicitudin ipsum elementum a.

Character Name's Inventory


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.

Code by AviCode


  • Kidd is actually fully trained as a psychiatrist
  • Though he has a large collection of antique perfume bottles, Kidd likes the added mystery of never knowing when he will find his next treasure, so he never actively seeks them out or buys them, instead waiting until one happens to cross his path naturally, then he swoops in and nabs it, often leading to a little woohoo moment mid mission 
  • His villa has a hot tub, because hot tubs are frickin a w e s o m e, the villa also has an on call masseuse 
  • His promiscuity comes from being cripplingly touch starved

Code by AviCode