


2 years, 3 months ago





Height: 5'11
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/Them | Keter/keters/keterself
Sexuality: Pan

Design Notes:
The purple splotches and scars on the ref are from, insert science here, which leads to explosions coming from random spots, usually upper half of body and arms and mouth. The Sweetvoice Maker is up there! They vent smoke in order to stave off exploding but its a 50/50 chance it kinda just puts it off for later until they cant anymore. Its like constantly being in a social situation you don't want to be in! Its also painful. The Scars (the splotches on the sheet) are permanent, any other splotches drawn for fun aren't and fade pretty quickly.


      Vizzy is rude brash and a fucking Pain to be around at times. Even if you're a close friend or sibling it doesn't stop Vizzy from slipping up and saying things they really shouldn’t say.  
      They’re violently touch repulsed except by one or two people, but are very fleetingly physically affectionate. With elbows, punches on the arm, just dragging people around. Ket tries very hard to be nice and think before ket speaks, but keters very impulsive and lashes out on habit and instinct.
This dog has so much anxiety and paranoia. 100% has Severe C-PTSD.


      Vizzy was created as part of a prototype project in Black Mesa Arizona, based off of Half life Black mesa and the bubby prototypes from HLVRAI. The goal of making these prototypes is unclear, and varies from prototype to prototype, most are animal human hybrids. Vizzy is one of these, and is a mix between a human and an Australian shepherd. 

      Vizzys early childhood (0-12 y/o) was uneventful, they had a sibling called prototype 70 who they cared deeply for. The facility was ‘kind’ to them for those first few years because while 69 And 70 both displayed very fast healing and quickly gained strength. It wasn’t anything harnessable in the early years, even when their aging was sped up. As they grew up and testing happened, for vizzy, the advanced healing was discovered to be an issue with their sweetvoice. The organ used to produce it had either been horribly injured or from birth was deformed, which resulted in it escaping the organ and kind of chilling in Vizzy’s whole body. The sweetvoice that remained in the organ and was expelled from the mouth came out in a dark smoke or fog. It was known it could spark and be quite hot, but nothing else. Until, due to circumstances it was decided to terminate Vizzy, as they had become particularly violent and rebellious and they werent sure they could use them for their original purpose anymore. Prototypes would usually be stored in tubes, so to avoid issues and fighting back, they put Vizzy in a tube like they normally would but filled it with the termination fluid. Vizzy still doesn’t know that was what it was, but the fluid was what triggered the sweetvoice smoke to quite literally explode out of them, since it couldn’t escape their body or mouth due to the thickness of the goo. The explosion killed 10 scientists and 70.

      Vizzy was out of commission for around a year, healing from tearing themselves apart from the inside out and coping with the loss of their sibling. During this time a coomer clone by the self given name of Dr. Star was taking care of them. Having previously been assigned to tests with them and they had reacted the... least violently to him.
      In the explosion Vizzy had lost an entire eye and had significant vision loss in the other eye. They also had mild hearing loss with their destroyed ear. Their vision in their remaining eye will recover over time due to it surviving the blast. Their hearing was already above average, so the hearing loss on one side brought that to just average.
After fully healing, the facility had no clue what to do with them. They’d never had a prototype not only survive termination but also kill another one in the process. Testing becomes very extreme to figure out the limits of this. While you’d assume Vizzys memory loss issues come from the explosion, it actually comes from this Severe Constant Trauma. After that, since Vizzys very rebellious and doesn’t like to listen unless forced, the scientists try a different method of assigning Vizzy a job as a security guard. Basically with the hope to socialize them more. This works barely. Vizzy gets a friend by the name of calhoun (not barney), a current security guard who used to be a Nurse, who teaches Vizzy basic medical things and cultural stuff. Vizzy learns how to avoid being seen by cameras, to break inside of locked rooms, to regulate their emotions so they don’t constantly explode. (edited) This works for a long time, its all Vizzy knows. They tried escaping to the surface one time, but was caught and tazed and thoroughly discouraged from doing so again. 
Until the a good chunk of the prototypes escaped their tubes and Vizzy was called to go check it out.  Vizzy ends up joining them on their escape to the surface, its very very long story to explain.



Pitch Sibling!!! Very important to Vizzy

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Atticus The 'leader' of the group. Very important to Vizzy aswell.

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profile html by Hukiolukio