
2 years, 3 months ago




  • AGE 6 thousand
  • Gender Male
  • Homeland Haledove
  • AFFILIATE Dragon sect\ Haledove
  • TYPE OF MAGIC  Celestial 

Reil and his brother Sorrel was created from Yisroel. By Yisroel splitting his power force into two halves, allowed it to grow into Reil and Sorrel. Keeping his ice ability's, as Sorrel inherited his electric powers. While Reil gain fire ability's. Knowing one day they disappear, and return back into Yisroel's original element energy. He broke his Immortal talisman into three fragments. Making it so his two other powers we're permanently separated.  

Celestials are made out of pure Element Energy. And certain magic can help develop their instincts in their adolescent stage. By harnessing fire you have more fierceness, idealism and self-love. Electric has a sense of justice, bond to alliance, and can be tense or hyper. Ice element is often ambitious, detached, strong, heartless or gloomy. This is why Celestials in the same sect generally have similar behavior and beliefs. Since they harness the same magic. 


Duis eget lorem eget est tincidunt porttitor. Ut bibendum dolor vel purus vulputate commodo. Suspendisse neque leo, egestas nec lectus sed, placerat facilisis dolor. Donec viverra pretium risus id ultricies. Aliquam facilisis ipsum sed est ultricies, quis elementum metus accumsan. Phasellus laoreet sem at aliquet dapibus. Nunc laoreet sem in tortor finibus dictum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur tempor pulvinar quam suscipit sollicitudin.

Integer facilisis turpis eu mi luctus gravida. Suspendisse lacus est, venenatis a tincidunt a, bibendum id massa. Nullam in imperdiet libero. Nunc nisi sapien, viverra volutpat turpis ut, pulvinar lacinia nulla. Fusce hendrerit maximus purus ac congue. Vivamus non tortor sapien. Duis eu odio nec neque sagittis rhoncus. Duis iaculis rhoncus tortor eget consequat. Suspendisse sollicitudin mollis risus vel sodales. Nullam non metus sed odio placerat malesuada vel et ipsum.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

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