


2 years, 3 months ago



"Quote here..."
Name Ángel Llaria Delgado
Name Pronunciation Ahn-hel Jaa-rree-ah delgado
Race Native latino, Dominican
Age 23
Gender agender transmasc
Pronouns Any pronouns
Orientation Gay
Occupation Librarian
Residence His Apartment
Status Alive
Design Notes
  • Ángel has heavy eyebags, as well as a babyface
  • His hair is always messy, victim of perpetual bedhead
  • She has seven moles, two on his face, one near his clavicle and four on his thighs
  • She has a tooth gap!! very important
  • On the skinnier side, semi-flat chested and bones jut out in some places

Ángel is a reserved person, he's always been. He's very blunt and says things without regard for how other people will interpret them. He has trouble expressing himself

  • Before he dropped out, Ángel majored in criminal justice and wanted to be a lawyer.
  • Unfortunately, due to his debilitating mental illnesses and stress of college, he dropped out and now works as a librarian in a local Library.
  • Ángel has autism, DPDR, and schizoaffective disorder. He has episodes where he hallucinates and experiences extreme paranoia, as well as delusions.
  • Yanelis is his identical twin.
  • Ángel has a flame point siamese cat named Rubia. She's mean to them but they love her.
  • Has a distorted sense of romance and self worth, and unknowingly romanticizes toxicity often.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.

Seven's background is a blur, even to him. His memories are a haze and its a source of both anger and frustration for him. Unbeknownst to him, Seven was fixed with clay and soil and brought to life by one ambitious necromancer and her assistant. The necromancer, a one Miss Sinclair, had used the corpse of an elven child (estimated to have been 10 or 11 at death) and the elements of earth to revive him. She gave him no name, instead just calling him Seven, short for 'Attempt number Seven.'

Maecenas suscipit sollicitudin lectus sed finibus. Mauris ullamcorper gravida lectus et laoreet. Proin eu elit non ligula feugiat sodales. Sed sed massa vitae nibh auctor interdum. Ut gravida sem eu leo suscipit, non ullamcorper dui cursus. Maecenas vel lobortis massa. Fusce sagittis metus massa, et tempus orci convallis eu. Donec non tortor rhoncus, consequat mauris vitae, placerat erat. Duis semper, metus vel bibendum interdum, felis sapien placerat mi, eget fringilla lectus quam sit amet arcu. Maecenas maximus nulla non nisi rutrum, non vulputate tellus ornare. Fusce quis tincidunt ex. Sed vitae sollicitudin odio. Quisque lacinia placerat efficitur.

Pellentesque dictum, dolor nec lacinia venenatis, orci purus fermentum ante, eget semper metus nunc eu ex. Nullam non quam ullamcorper, ornare lorem ac, tincidunt urna. Quisque suscipit ornare tortor eu sagittis. Ut luctus mauris a pellentesque hendrerit. Donec tincidunt pharetra malesuada. Vivamus blandit dolor faucibus justo pretium, a elementum odio aliquam. Duis volutpat vitae purus at facilisis.


Aliquam rutrum eleifend sem at dignissim. Quisque facilisis libero eu pretium ultrices.