


2 years, 3 months ago




Age: 50 years old. Has not experienced physical deterioration since being augmented at age 34.

Gender: She/her

+Orientation: Pan

Species: Wild dog

Occupation: Treasure hunter

Appearance: Medium height, around 5' 4", with very long thick fur and tail. Her mask is gold and the liquid in her tanks is a metallic golden fluid. She has plant growth along her jaw and spine, comprised of moss, ferns, and swamp lilies, the placement of which can vary. Has several interchangeable matte black piercings and small LED ornaments on her horns. Mask is fully removable.

Personality: Fortune is a very adventurous, no-nonsense canine who is not easily intimidated and is always prepared for setbacks. She is adaptable to her surroundings but prefers exploring natural territories, and due to her introverted nature often spends time alone. She is not one to start a conversation and can sometimes struggle to communicate well with others, preferring to lead by example and loving to share her activities and treasure hunting finds with others. 

Other: She is very supportive of the Axion government and public institutions, and often donates her finds to the Sun Memorial museum rather than to private collectors. She does not care much for money and became cybernetically augmented only to extend her lifespan and to eliminate the need to buy food or water when traveling, maximizing survivability. The plants on her back also generate energy and provide shade.

Relationships: Outrun is her synthesized offspring with a male ck9 who is now deceased.
