Electric Rival (UF3 Move list)



2 years, 3 months ago


Story: Electric Rival is creating by the "organization" during Main's active use at the time, a few months after Main escaped Electric Rival's development was completed and was sent to destroy a suburban town to find Main, this was also Victor Wolf's hometown, Electric Rival did not encounter Main and so was sent to return to base, after Rival's mission he was sent to sleep for further development but when the pursuits from authorities learned their actions the "organization" scrambled to shut down operations and Rival was sent to be cryogenically frozen, four years later after UF1 higher ups recalled of Rival and planned to use him as a front host for UF1 but after retrieving Rival's body he was in need of work until UF3 where they planted fake memories and thoughts to side with the "organization," for this reason he despises Main and aims to defeat him once and for all.

Command moves:

Wall Jump - ↗️(Facing left next to a wall)/↖️(Facing right next to a wall)

Eagle kick - 🔴➡️

Eagle kick - A short hop kick that extends the user's kick reach.(Ex: Ryu's Senpu Kyaku from Street Fighter)


Rush Dance - K 🔵/ 🔴⬇️↘️➡️

Lightning Upper - P🔵/🔴➡️⬇️↘️

Either K🔵/🔴

Lightning Crush Kick - K🔵/🔴⬇️↙️⬅️(Mid air ok)

Rush Dance - The user rushes towards or away the opponent, 🔵 moves towards opponent but does not pass through them, 🔴 moves away from the opponent about the same distance as 🔵, Rush dance cancelled into other command moves, special, and supers.(Ex: Duo Lon's Himoukyaku Mae(➡️)/ Ushiro(⬅️))

Lightning Upper - An Uppercut with that vairy in distance depending 🔵 or 🔴, 🔵goes up and a bit forward, 🔴 has more horizontal reach both can be followed up with a kick spike.(Ex: Ragna's Reversal move for 🔵, Naoto's Reversal for🔴 both from BBTag)

Lightning Crush Kick - A powerful kick or flurry of kicks that strike the opponent with lightning, 🔵 is a single overhead kick, it can also cause a ground bounce if done in mid air. 🔴 Is a three hit attack similar to Main's but instead end with a spike.(Ex: 🔵 is Akatsuki's air heavy kick(hold) from UNI, 🔴 is a mix of Kairi's tatsu kick(from SF:EX1)and Akatsuki's Armor Piercing Kick from UNI)


Aerial Electric Hold - P🔵/🔴⬇️↘️➡️⬇️↘️➡️(Mid air only)

Lightning Wave - P🔵/🔴⬇️↘️➡️⬇️↘️➡️

Aerial Electric Hold - The user drags the opponent from the air in a ↘️ direction with electricity to the ground, once successful the user lifts the opponent by their neck electrocutes the opponent until the user as used up its power.(Ex: Vice's Overkill super from KOF13)

Lightning Wave - The user slams its first to the ground and lightning strikes come from the sky in a streamlined manner, ending with an intense thunder strike.(Akatsuki's first hit from his finishing move from BBtag)
