Kirill Stepyrev



6 years, 6 months ago



【Name】 Kirill Stepyrev
【Age】 19
【Gender】 male
【Origin】 original
【Voice】 i can't find anything help but he sounds texan
【Height】 188cm
【Species】 human
【Orientation】 idk
【Ethnicity】 american
【Theme】 crown on the ground / sleigh bells

"referencing art is cheating" - kirill (2018)


The child of an esteemed pianist and an expert surgeon, Kirill was born into high society and Lord knows he'll die there. There aren't a lot of people in the world who you can really look at and honest-to-God say they were born with true and blatant talent, but he's one of them. And while he is very good at what he does, all the prestige has completely gone to his head. He thinks actually trying at things lowers his value as a person. His art is brilliant already, but he has vast potential he refuses to tap into because he believes people who weren't literally born great will never be. Even the rich who'll pay millions for his pieces aren't good enough for him.

Kirill is pretty bad at getting along with people.

  • Antelopes
  • Sandbox games
  • Chewy sweets
  • Formal clothes
  • Deep sea creatures
  • Horse riding


  • Clearly art is his biggest interest, but he's also interested in wild/exotic animals (the kind you find in zoos, especially African animals).
  • He likes nonfiction books.
  • His other skills include piano and cello (also tennis. is tennis a skill) and he is pretty great at them, but since he took lessons for them he doesn't enjoy them as much.
  • Da Vinci is his real idol and someone he considers another elite.
  • His favourite animal is the sable antelope.
  • He really really wants to paint a church someday (like the Sistine Chapel except obviously not exactly the same, or even derivatively, but he's inspired by it)
  • His birthday is 07/04.
  • His middle name is Jay.
  • He is an atheist (kinda ?? he doesn't care either way really) but would genuinely use the fact that he exists as evidence for God existing. He would genuinely believe that.
  • English is his first language, and he's learning Russian (he's at a university level but speaks with a strong American accent)
  • He lives in Austin so he has a shitty texan accent i fucking guess

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