


2 years, 3 months ago


Bennett | 21 | He / Him | Pan | Taken

its 3 in the morning i didnt even finish his ref but i have to put this up for kitsu i HAVE to

- grew up upper middle class, like not rich rich but his parents bought him a car at 18 kinda money you know
- super doting mom, loves him to bits. dad is just awkward. like driving you home from college and asking if you use condoms awkward.
- had a traumatic event happen to him at age 6, it was repressed but came out at 17 when he was with his therapist. Was fascinated by what the brain can do, so is in college for psychology
- genuinely tries to befriend everyone, very social. its like that image where its like 'the people that smile the most, are hurting the most...' kinda edge but its not like Edge its just his character trait if that makes sense. like i wouldnt write a "i am so sad and depressed" arc for him he just. honey nut feelios
- the kinda guy that sat around at home in high school and someone was like why are you depressed just go hiking and he was like damn maybe thats it. now he loves the outdoors and is like, still depressed but a little less.
- been in a lot of relationships but he always breaks up with them cause hes like its not you...its cringe.... HES NOT A SADBOY
- loves to go to parties and just go feral. absolutely nuts
- his therapist is the best person ever like he just walks in and is like alright (insert her name eventually) lets spill the tea this week baddie
- himbo, thats my design flaw. they always gotta be a little stupid
- has a friendly rivalry with a 4.0 student in his class, well its friendly on his end but the student literally wants to boil him alive
-since hes such a people pleaser he isnt in just one club but is in contact with most of the clubs to see if they need help. most clubs feel bad for him and dont ask anything of him but the gardening club and the photography club love him. hes basically a member of those (but he doesnt wanna put it on his resume because he only helps sometimes. what a little guy.)
- is planning to shadow under his therapist one day :)
- doesnt listen to his own advice, ever. bro touch grass
- does odd jobs around the college for money, spends money on knick knacks to send back to his parents
- was once told he is a "golden retriever gamer boy type" and he didn't get it. it sounded positive though?
- he plays like. generic shit i dont even wanna call him a gamer he literally plays like cod and battlefield and thats it
- when he was a kid he watched hunter x hunter and used to go around and tell kids he could see their aura
- one of those college kids thats just slightly out of touch as u can tell from the retriever comment. like he gets verified tiktok user videos that are just like me and the bestie :) and then its them like. dancing to a song. One time he got a tiktok where a dude was backing up his car and his tire hit a board and on the other side of the board there was a dog and it was like a seesaw effect and the dog flew. thats like my favorite tiktok btw. anyway yea thats the "weirdest" side of tiktok hes been on. otherwise pretty clueless.
- goes feral when its time for the annual fair back home
- never had a pet growing up cause parents didn't want one in the house but he always wanted a hedgehog. theyre skrunkly
- as a kid in D.R.U.G.S they showed the "this is ur brain / this is ur brain on drugs" thing and he has never touched a drug ever because of that. it resonates with him.
- gotta brainstorm what his trauma is. i dont want it to be like. Bad bad cause i always be like bam but i want to go easier on him but not too easy you know. maybe something like he opened the car door while his mom was driving and fell out. something like that i be giving all my ocs TRAUMA trauma
- i still cant believe im making a CISΒ character but that could change depending on kitsu's oc gotta get the vibe you know. like if its t4t how could i say no. how
- parents tried to pay for his entire college, he didnt wanna take the easy way out, and asked for them to keep it instead. unfortunately for him, he is not aware how college payment systems work, so his parents just keep telling him that "theres no bill yet" from the college but really they paid for it already. thats so cute wtf
- if he was asked i think he would play among us but he would hate being imposter or maybe he channels his girlboss energy idk
- i made a comment abt anime early. hes very like, really does not watch but sees some of the normie stuff ig. he watched hxh and ttgl as a kid. and now he just kinda watches whatever netflix recommends, and like miyazaki movies.Β