


2 years, 3 months ago


Finian. His father and mother were simple residents of their region, with his mother being a stay at home mom and his father working your stereotypical desk job. Often bored but rambunctious and always running around for the next adventure and loving playing with wild pokemon, Finian was always making friends with the neighborhood kids which allowed him to find the two people who would be his best of friends in particular, Drusilla and Jewel. During a fun day of playing with them during his birthday, he would reveal his biggest dream was to become one of the Pokemon Elite, and his friends would agree and want to join him. he would then propose their promise that they each would be the next Pokemon Elites for their respective region when they grew up. 

Finian is nothing short of cheerful and carefree on the surface, being open and friendly and very welcoming to others. He is known for being very serious ad stern about his goals, though and can be absolutely devastating to battle against as he has a massive winning streak until Drusilla finally beats him. He takes defeats and many things in life with a sense of humour.