


6 years, 6 months ago


originally purchased here
for $50 AB

Tara's pack animal during forays into the wild, Luned usually carries supplies, but only because she hardly notices the weight. She's utterly uninterested in any of the trouble her owner gets up to, and even seems unimpressed with most other creatures in general.

When there's no work to be done, Luned might be spotted by the particularly intrepid observer having a jaunt in a flower field or dust-bathing like a bird. Get too close and you'd be subject to the rare and alarming sight of a charging Ubir.

Luned likes to sleep and she likes to be the unchallenged biggest, strongest creature around. She's most eager to spend time with Tara when other large creatures want to, and becomes huffy when Tara shows inordinate interest in a strange Eskk or some intrusive bird. Luned also detests being disturbed while sleeping, so it's a lucky thing that Vashti's nervous sleep-barking abates when Luned curls up with the pup.