Jagoda Walkowiak



2 years, 3 months ago


Jagoda Walkowiak

"I think we'll make it on through if we hold each other dear."

  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Human
  • Status: Living
  • Theme: Those Eggs Aren't Dippy - Jack Stauber


Introvert Extrovert

Thinking Feeling

Sensing Intuition

Judging Perceiving

Down-to-Earth Carefree Genuine Empathetic


  • Jagoda loves to comb the abandoned or rundown parts of Cullaroe, such as alleyways or the rail yard. She collects the little knick knacks she finds there. Her favorites are bottlecaps.
  • Jagoda's left leg is permanently injured from a car accident. It was never treated thoroughly and continues to ache and be stiff.
  • Jagoda adores insects. She loves to pick up beetles and other creepy crawlies. She is the designated "puts the insects outside" member of the Cullaroe Kids.
  • Jagoda enjoys to bake. She often surprises Tenra with cookies when she comes home from school or her lessons.


  • Adventuring on the countryside, picking wildflowers, listening to Sales play music, soft pajamas, Tenra’s reading
  • plants, beetles, spicy food, pillow fights, fresh produce, the smell of candles, dusk, urban exploring, blanket forts, physical contact, cafe chatter
  • Has a phobia of cars, hospitals, yelling, adults, being alone, feeling stuck, blood, the sound of vacuums, feeling cold, scratchy blankets
  • , the ticking of clocks, anger, arguing, sudden noises, fireworks, furrowed brows


Jagoda doesn’t speak much of her background. She found herself in tears the first time she attempted to tell Tenra. Jagoda lived in an unstable home environment, and soon after turning sixteen, desperately leaped onto the back of a freight train bound to stop briefly in the small port town of Cullaroe in order to run away. She was not discovered by any freight hands, and departed once the train had stopped in a railyard, carrying just the clothes on her back, a ragged blanket, and a pilfered oil lantern. She slinked through the way of railyard and countryside with all but scraped knees to show for it until she came across a dilapidated, condemned property, settling into its abandoned basement.Jagoda was found by Sales and Tenra after Sales suspected someone was living in the property’s basement, despite a few failed attempts to find Jaggie. Sales and Tenra first met her half-frozen to death and scared, and provided her with the love, warmth, and comfort she needed. She was taken in and homed in a loft by Tenra, who she develops romantic feelings for.









Tenra Connors

Jagoda's partner.

The two soon developed love for each other, later becoming partners.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at. Magna eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis.