Derrick Chovney's Comments

"So, how'd you die?" I hear only for the millionth time this millenia. I roll my eyes, and give a quick sigh.
"The mask doesnt give it away, kid?" I say to the college freshman standing before me. Damn, I'm at least four times this kids age, why am I even still talking to him? This was supposed to be an occasional haunting, not a year long buddy-cop bromance.
The kid shakes his head. "Fine, it all started when-"

My name's Derrick Chovney and I'm a ghost. (Now this is where you say, "Hi Derrick.")
I had a good life, it was my senior year of college when I just tripped over my chair leg and hit the wall. Bled out right there and then. Now I guess in the afterlife my job is to 'haunt dorm rooms', bit of a cliche huh?
But when I'm not haunting, I'm usually playing League of Legends (Jinx for the win, right?!) or writing music.
What, looking for something juicier? Well, sometimes I eat the Oreo cookie before the creme. Scandelous, right?
Anyways, thats me. Just a little slice of Derrick for ya.