


2 years, 3 months ago


Theme: Approach to arguments
Foil and opposite to Dragonfly
Belief: Things can never be resolved peacefully as long as there are selfish people.

- Known as an urban legend; the vampire with a thousand fangs
- An assassin that only works for his own ideals. He will actively eliminate his own supporters or people who are inspired by his actions
- Uses the thorny sides of his blades to hold targets
- Licks his swords clean
- Judges others depending on how bitter with blood their swords taste
- Moves more like an insect than a human, luring in his targets and waiting for them to strike first
- Leaves a petal as a calling card for others to easily identify his deeds, taken from a particular tree that grows near his home.
- Has taken interest in talking to Dragonfly because of their surprisingly similar beliefs
- His current goal is to stop the fuel between the two kingdoms by drawing the land’s hatred onto himself, forcing them to overcome their differences in order to deal with his threat.


Orchid his sibling got along well, and were good at resolving things peacefully between each other.
However, their father was stubborn and destructive, which often caused tension or accusations that they were ganging up on him. Over time this made Orchid frustrated that arguments can only be solved peacefully if both sides were willing to listen.

During a particularly heated argument, his sister was struck down in a bout of their father's rage. In panic and grief, Orchid struck back. Losing both of his family members in that way, now alone and tormented, he only had a deeper nested frustration toward stubborn and prideful people.

He grew into a person that was unattached to anything except his new belief: That the world was full of people who are unable to listen, no matter how much others extended that curtesy. And so the only way to make those people listen is to give them a taste of their own medicine. To use that same violence to show them how much it hurt. To save introspective people from the selfish, the immature and the prideful.
However, his view of the world is incredibly black and white. With that noble reasoning, he is unable to recognize the reality of his actions - that to so many other people, Orchid had become the person he himself hated most - someone who resorts to violence when he is not heard or understood.