Van Hailan



2 years, 3 months ago


Current age: 23 years old

Gender: Male

Race:  Dragon

Setting: Ancient China

Brief Information:

- A very young dragon of the lake.
- Because of his age, he has "independence" hitches. He says he's all by himself, he doesn't need help and in general this is his lake, why are you walking around here.
- Does not really like people and can behave a little aggressively with them. True, he can be shouted at at most, but intimidated, but he will not physically harm..
- Harmful and hyperactive. He can often occupy himself with some kind of activity, annoy someone or specifically annoy himself.
- He can show Hua Beilong with his whole appearance that he annoys him to some extent / because of supervision/, but inside he is still interested in him and specifically provokes him to something.
- In general, we can conclude that this is a child with an attention deficit..