Jonne Triumvir WIP



2 years, 3 months ago


Jonne Triumvir





Band role



Drumming, painting, soccer, playing the volin, flute & conga drums.


Jonne is a very introverted and reserved person. Best described as a man of a few words. You could easily mistake him for a piece of furniture in the background. But that is just how he has always been. Quiet, good natured, and prefers to observe rather then interact. Unless you know him very well, it can be a bit hard to read him. But rest assured, Jonne is simply a very low maintenance friend. He is loyal to the band and always works to improve himself in any way he can.

Despite mostly sitting with the band and not saying much, he enjoys himself quite a lot. Being so reserved might make you think hes angry and uncaring, as he has trouble expressing himself a lot. This made it very difficult for the others to get to know him, but after some trial and error, they understood that Jonne is a very loyal, caring and sweet man. He found his second family with them and wants nothing more then to play with them until the end of time.


  • Highly skilled in painting and drawing.
  • Used to play soccer in his youth, which helped with double pedal stamina.
  • Plays folk music in town with his mother occasionally.
  • Owns 3 cats: Tor, Huginn and Muninn.
  • Is impossible to get a hold of. Does not check the phone ever.
  • Cronic resting bitch face syndrome.
  • Very introverted, lives alone close to the woods.
  • Does not like to be touched.


As Brokt were just starting to gather members, this small, quiet, fragile little kid was watching them from the window to their apartment. He was very interested in what these scary looking kids were doing inside of this abandoned warehouse, playing their crummy music. Jonne spent a lot of his time looking out of this window, trying not to think too much of his current circumstances. His home life is riddled with sorrow and abuse. His father was often drunk and violent towards him and his mother, and his mother was too scared to do anything about it. Whenever Jonne could, he would find any reason to not go home, often signing up to after school activities and keeping himself busy with literally anything, regardless of if he was interested in it or not.

The priest/teacher at the local church saw him often hang around alone during recess, so she introduced him to Urmek and the others, who begrungly let him chill with them. They asked if he ever played the drums before. He didn't, so he just kind of awkwardly hung around them for the first couple of weeks. The band were still missing a drummer, so, seeing another opportunity to not go home in a while he decided from that point on that he was going to learn it. And learn he did. Jonne went to the warehouse after school and put on some youtube tutorials. He practiced for hours, every night, with the hope that he could impress his new friends enough for them to accept him. It did not take long before they did.

One day, on a cold winter morning.... his father did something unspeakable to Jonne. A heavy burden he carries with himself to this day. After this incident, his mother finally got the courage to send the bastard to jail, and he and his mother were finally free from the years of torment...but at a hefty price. Jonne spent his years coping by continuing to play the drums, and hanging out with his new friends as well as extensive therapy. His therapist suggested he try the art of painting as a way to help cope and express himself better, and after trying it out, he fell in love with it immediatly. He has kept up with it to this day. As his drumming skills grew, so did his friendshop with the others, and thus, Brokt was finally complete.