


6 years, 5 months ago



Friendly ✦ Gentle ✦ Loyal

1.30m (4'2")
Dragon ID
Pet (owned by TBA)

Chicken is a GED, standing for Genetically Engineered Dragon. The GED organisation was a collaboration project from all over the world, with contributions from many different countries. The main goal was to create a dragon-like creature that could fully function in a domestic life. The main requirement was that it would function as any other living being, without severe health issues. Another, less important requirement was that it would have six limbs, four legs and a set of wings, and that it could fly with those wings. The organisation has now moved on to create specimens for zoos and even to serve as pets.

B2, being the second created species of the Bird category, is a lot more stable than the first Bird species (B1). While B1 is technically fertile, the organisation decided to try out it's first breeding attempt with the B2 species. They bred B2-001 and B2-002 together, resulting in B2-003, the very first dragon to hatch from a naturally produced nest. The two other siblings, B2-004 and B2-005, hatched a few hours after him.

The nickname for B2-003 is Chicken, which was given by a random supporter of the organisation. Who eventually, after proving that she could take care of him, adopted him as a pet.
Chicken is very manageable as a pet, he's easily just as smart as a shepherd dog, easily picking up commands and houserules. He's a very curious creature as well, which sometimes does get him in trouble. His owner often posts him on social media, where he is wildly popular, along with the select few other GED's which were also adopted as pets by random lucky people. (The GED organisation disapproves of selling the dragons, and instead opts for a competition-like selection process to pick out the most suitable owner. So that less wealthy people have an equal chance of getting one too.)
Chicken tends to get along with most larger pets like dogs, but mostly scares smaller ones like cats away. His owner doesn't let him go outside alone, because of the chance that he'll get stolen because of how valuable he is. Luckily for her, Chicken is perfectly okay with just walking on a leash and staying inside most of the time.

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  • Napping on his owner's lap.
  • Shredding random sheets of paper using his mouth.
  • Long walks with a long leash so he can fly.
  • Stacking a bunch of pillows on top of each other so he has a comfy place to sleep.
  • Stealing bird food from outside in the winter.
  • Bananas, the evil demonic fruit.
  • The rain, his feather's aren't waterproof.
  • Going to the dragon-vet, luckily he doesn't have to go often.
  • Being separated from his owner.
  • Cold weather, he has a very thin skin, and his layer of feathers is also very thin.

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