


2 years, 3 months ago



Ruler class servant Class-Ruler-Gold.webp

The Tyrant king of Shinar, a mighty hunter before the Lord, and a fool who dared reach for the heavens.

Nimrod was a self centred and arrogant king, known for his selfishness and vanity. But his desire for the Tower was not born of trivial ambitions. It was to be his one true act of charity for his people. A structure so tall and so grand that it might pierce the heavens. A tower to symbolize mankind's strength and to protect his people from God's fury. 

Naturally, this is not how events transpired.

The Tower brought the great curse of language upon man, forever destroying the unity once held in the empire of Shinar. Scattering his people, ending his reign, and forever altering the tapestry of human history. 

That's the lore anyway! As for this current manifestation as a servant he's just kinda a bitchy, self-centred, mean girl type character. He is skilled with a bow and enjoys intellectual pursuits such as reading and oil painting. He enjoys modern culture and indulges in extremely mediocre television shows, usually things targeted at teenage girls.

He gets into arguments with other rulers about whose kingdom contributed the most to human history. He's mad his Tower was never fully finished, but he is pretty proud of causing language to be developed. It is an important part of human culture after all! He doesn't get on well with the saintly servants like Jeanne, because on some level he was building the Tower in an act of defiance against God and that clearly doesn't go well together.

He views the Master of Chaldea as a fellow tyrant, his equal in stature and someone whom he can confide in. He views the Master's actions to save humanity as something similar to his pursuit of the Tower, a rejection of God's chosen course and an act of defiance in the name of humanity. Don't bother trying to correct him on this; he believes whole-hearted this is the only possible interpretation.  He often invites them to paint with his, he enjoys the variety of scenery you can find within the simulator. Even more often he invites them to watch some truly terrible television with him, he really has some atrociously bad taste. 

Stats, Skills, and all that boring stuff 


Skill 1: Party wide attack buff

(He is a king after all, he should provide some support for his people) 


Skill 2: Self heal

(Self explanatory, at his core he is terribly selfish)


Skill 3: Party wide NP up

(girl idk anything about balance, I'm just giving him skills I'd like to use)


Noble Phantasm: The Tower of Babel 

I have no idea what this does but I love the idea of him going \^o^/ and the tower rising up behind him, maybe giving buffs? He seems like he's leaning towards like, a support type character. OR maybe it deals massive debuffs to the enemies. Like it deals def downs and special confusions debuffs (like Circe's Pigify) specifically to represent how the tower caused confusion with all the different languages :) We will see! I'm not sure I want to like completely work out his kit cause that's really boring to me but I'd like to decide what his NP does because ideally i'd love to do like little fake screenshots of him using it, that'd be cute.