


2 years, 6 months ago



Thunderclan's curse

Name Kestrelcall
Pronouns She/her
Orientation Sapphic
Age Adult
Species Cat
Affiliation unknown


Introvert Extrovert

Optimist Pessimist

Thinking Feeling

Apathetic Empathetic

Cautious Careless

Mature Immature

Lawful Chaotic

Good Evil


  • Birds
  • Hunting
  • Her family


  • Violence
  • Her 'curse'
  • Crowds


  • collects and wears trinkets
  • has a kestrel familliar
  • a bad omen

Kestrelcall was a loyal thunderclan warrior who could never do any harm, but her curse made it inevitable. Her introverted nature made it easier for her to isolate herself but she always longs for company, she's highly empathetic and is willing to stand up for anyone inside or outside of her clan. Not afraid to back down. She gets emotional quickly which makes her prone to acting out before thinking. She can be quite gullible.

Kestrelcall is one of the sweetest cats you'll ever meet, she's cautious and caring thus always willing to lend out a paw.


Kestrelcall is a cream, long furred she-cat. She has bright amber-orange eyes and she has a long fluffy tail.

She carries a monarch wing on her left ear, and carries two kestrel feathers, one woodpecker feather and 2 raven feathers in her tail. She is covered in leaves most of the time, its unknown if she willingly puts them there.

Design Notes

  • Her feathers and butterfly wings should all remain around the same spot, though her leaves get mixed up easily
  • She's small for your average cat.


Kestrelcall was born into a family of well respected thunderclan cats, seemingly bringing fortune wherever they go and they had an especially well bond with birds. When kestrel was born, her mother died during the kitting. This was a big shock to the clan as Kestrels mom was a beloved cat. And they realized her daughter was a bad omen when a singular kestrel feather dropped into camp, naming her after the bird of prey. When Kestrel was young everyone kept an eye on her, her “bad luck” being shown when the crows, practically the lowest respected birds started to grow an affection towards the young kits. They were attracted to her like she was crowfood. Her big brother Sparrowfeather never stopped loving her though. And he made sure to always be there for his little sister.
One day while Kestrelpaw was older, she decided to go out hunting with her cousin Owlpaw. Owlpaw, not caring about what kind of omen Kestrel was. Helped her step out of her comfort zone, but all the crows lurking around the two young cats unnerved Kestrelpaw, as her family made it very clear what crows mean to them. She eventually starts to enjoy herself and she ends up taking the lead from Owlpaw as they run around and explore the seemingly endless forest. Then Kestrelpaw stops as she notices something. There was an intruder in their territory. She wanted to go and call Owlpaw when suddenly the ground under her collapsed. Owlpaw quickly rushed over to save her. But ended up getting buried under the ground themselves. Kestrelpaw being unable to save them from being buried.
Kestrelpaw quickly calls for help as she notices that intruder was now gone too. And not long after some warriors find her. They manage to recover the body and could barely keep the crows away, leaving them with Kestrel and the pit so she could “think about what she’d done” She couldn’t bare to stay there so she decided to go to the river and clear her mind, After getting a drink she decided to rest in a tree, and then suddenly heard a branch move. She noticed someone was with her and she quickly tried to follow them. Almost slipping off a branch while trying to hop from one to another. But she gets grabbed, not by a thunderclan cat, but a loner. A black and white tabby with orange and teal eyes. She introduces herself as Woodpecker. And the two quickly become friends. Kestrel grew up isolated from her clan, but close to Woodpecker. And when Kestrelpaw became Kestrelcall, Woodpecker decided to also give herself a warrior name; Woodpeckermask. As the moons go by Woodpecker slowly begins to learn how Kestrels clan feels towards her,, and she starts to resent them for resenting kestrel. So one day Kestrel is waiting in their meeting spot, when she hears some crows calling. She notices they’re trying to bring her somewhere so she follows. The crows end up leading her to Woodpeckermask, standing over the body of her uncle, blood everywhere, Kestrel freaks out because she still loves and cares for her family and clan, but Woodpeckermask quickly shuts her off and explains why she did it, that Kestrel doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. Kestrel, still unnerved by what happened. Does calm down because of Woodpeckermask’s comfort.
Seasons pass as Kestrel allows Woodpecker to slowly pick off more and more clanmates, while Kestrel is super against it. Some cats are starting to suspect Kestrel could be part of this, but then also there’s undeniably no proof she would ever be able to do that. So eventually KestrelCall is out with Sparrow, they’re both enjoying the time they’re having, They both spend some time mourning over their losses in their family. And Sparrow decides to cheer his sister up with a spar. But before Sparrow could do anything, Woodpeckermask suddenly leaps out of the bushes, biting into Sparrows throat. Kestrel immediately freaks out and yells at her to stop. Needing to knock Woodpeckermask off to actually talk to her. Kestrel quickly tells sparrow to run with his heavily bleeding neck wound as she confronts her girlfriend. Kestrel tells Woodpeckermask she never wanted any of this and in blind rage attacks her, Woodpeckermask, being unable to lay a claw on the cat she loves barely manages to defend herself as in a fit of rage, Kestrelcall kills her.
She quickly realizes what she did and then runs for it. Eventually running into her collapsed brother, the bleeding having become so bad they both know what’s going to happen. They talk. Briefly. And sparrow tells his sister that she’s the bravest cat he’s ever met. Before going limp in her arms, Kestrel just cries out as the cats who she’s loved the most in her entire life have died just under her nose. She could’ve avoided all of this.. . But she suddenly notices it started to rain, so she quickly gets up worried and notices that the entirety of thunderclan territory is burning down. She can’t help but feel rage as she watches the flames from a distance. But also relief.


It is unknown where Kestrelcall is now, and if she's alive or dead.



Although Woodpeckermask died at Kestrelcall's claws Kestrel could never stop loving her. Woodpeckermask meant everything to Kestrel. Kestrelcall knew Woodpeckermask since she was young, and they quickly became mates after Kestrelcall became a warrior.


Clan & Family

Her clan has looked down on her since the very day she was born, but Kestrelcall could never bring herself to be mad at them, she loved her family even if it was one-sided, but also couldn't bring herself to save them from being murdered. After all those moons she still felt some resentment towards them all.

Kestrelcall still blames herself for the demise of her clan to this day, and it is unknown if this is actually true or not. But it might as well be.
