


2 years, 1 month ago


I'll stick with you through the wind and the rain.



Flintspark is sometimes a joy to be around, if you catch him in the right mood. He’s quite popular with the kits, always up for playing games with them. He always complains when it’s time to hunt, or go on patrol. He loves to sleep and can easily get annoyed if he’s woken up too early. He defines ‘too early’ as any time before sun-high. Flintspark is quite forgetful and not committed, so if any cat asks him to do anything, there’s about a 40% chance he’ll actually do it. Flintspark is also very social, and babbles on uncontrollably, whether it’s gossip or moaning about something. Flintspark found making older cats angry hilarious. He’d taunt and annoy them until they snap, then fall back on the floor in a fit of giggles. For this reason he was always found in the elders’ den, getting rid of their ticks, but he doesn’t mind it. He gets to sit down and chat, so what’s the big deal? Flintspark was spoiled as a kit. His demands were always met, and he lived a very comfortable life. But he realised being an apprentice wasn’t as glamorous as he’d thought.



  • food
  • kits
  • sleeping


  • slime
  • water prey
  • effort

You can write more about their personality here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec hendrerit libero. Pellentesque sagittis aliquam orci id vehicula. In ut risus suscipit, aliquam massa nec, porta libero.


AGE 18 moons
RANK warrior
RESIDENCE woodclan

[Story & Trivia]

Flintkit was born in WoodClan, the only kit in his litter. Unfortunately, when he was very young, his parents had a huge disagreement and split up, his father leaving to be a loner. He had a happy Kithood, but was generally considered a nuisance in the Clan due to his demanding for food, care and attention. Most assumed that attitude would disappear once he was apprenticed, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Flintpaw had a relatively average apprenticeship. He hated training, and slept in often. He wasn't particularly good at hunting or fighting, but was decent at climbing trees. Flintpaw failed his warrior assessment twice, but managed to pass it the final time, becoming a warrior at last.

  • Integer sed lorem vitae mauris feugiat maximus eu et sem.
  • Nullam nec tortor odio. Integer placerat pulvinar odio, non dignissim nisi laoreet et. Curabitur et bibendum massa.
  • Quisque ac lectus ante. Ut sed augue feugiat, blandit justo quis, venenatis nibh.




"He's cool, I guess."
Deep down, Flintspark is grateful for Pumpkinlight. He's a good influence.



"F-Flax? Who's he?"
Ever since he arrived in WoodClan, Flintspark has had a crush on Flax.