


2 years, 2 months ago


Goldensun is Thymestar and Sunny's kit and while she was a kit, her father was absent. She was her aunt’s apprentice, Cinnamonlight. Her life was going very good: she was a happy and dreamy young cat, but right before becoming a warrior, Sunny returned with another kit. At first, she was very angry and blamed both her parents for not knowing her father, but as time went by, her hate for her father disappeared since she began to understand him.

As a young warrior she and her good friend, Sandmoon, had feelings for eachother and were together for a short time. It was mostly a teen romance, but they remained good friends.

Not long after, an illness struck the clan. Goldensun and the medicine cat went to the mountains in search of a cure. There she met Fir That Grows In Valleys and the two young cats developed strong feelings for one another quickly. Guided by love, he decided to move to MoonClan so they can be together forever. Her family, with the exception of Morningstar, her grandmother, were really angry with their relationship and didn’t accept Fir, seeing him as an outsider. To make the couple be accepted, her grandmother told her to take care of Snowflake, a kit who was found by the clan. At that time, Fir wanted to have kits of their own, but Goldensun didn’t feel ready saying that they already have a kit.

One night, she was badly wounded by a rogue while she was alone on one of her walks and the cats who hated Fir (now Firtwig) insisted that he was the one who hurted her. Therefore, he was exiled and Goldensun was left alone having no say at that moment. The moons passed slowly as she began to feel better and received another apprentice, Hyssoppaw. At the same time, she kept looking for Firtwig at the borders of the territory, but never saw him. Sometimes Goldensun thought that she saw his brown fur behind the trees, but he never appeared. Thinking that he was avoiding her, she gave up blaming herself for his exile.

While she was still searching for Firtwig, she met a kittypet named Blizzard who took advantage of her instabile feelings and they had an unwanted kit, Oakkit. She cared for her kit very much, being overprotective and when he died as a young warrior, she was devastated.

Her life was completely messed up when her grandmother and father died and still grieving, she was made deputy by her mother, Thymestar even if she didn’t want to have this responsibility on her shoulders. Also, after many moons, finally, Firtwig was accepted again in MoonClan. It was a happy moment in the mist of these tragedies, but their relationship wasn’t the same as when they were younger. Together, they had a kit named Iriskit thinking that their relationship can be repaired. Longing to be free and hating the fact that her mother who was her leader, Goldensun began to leave the clan and most of the time she was followed by Firtwig. Sometimes she thought that maybe she could refugiate in the mountains or in a very far place, but always she was returning to the clan, thinking of Iris or being convinced by Fir. On one of her trips, wanting to finally make the move and leave forever, she and Fir got in an very bad argument next to the Thunderpath. She crossed the long street quickly, distracted, but Fir wasn’t as lucky as her and died. After that moment, she blamed every day and night for his death and that feeling never disappeared.

Feeling guilty, she returned to the clan and tried desperately to fix her relationship with Iris. One time, when she returned from a journey to The Base, she fell in a tunnel and was hurt badly. She refused to be healed and insisted on going for a last time with Iris to the lake, the place she loved and hated so much at the same time. There, she died of her wounds.


Goldensun is a very sensitive and irresponsible cat who rarely opens up. She also gets bored easily of things. Most of the time, she appears as a quiet cat, but with her friends, she is energetic and funny. Growing up, she always liked to think of leaving the clans to have a simple life as a loner. She is also a smart cat who has her strategies when hunting and knows how to train apprentices. As a mother, she really cared for her kits, but didn't really knew how to show it so she mostly tried to stay away from them.