Estelle, the Radiance of Dawn



2 years, 3 months ago


Estelle was born into the slums of the city. While still an infant, she was taken from her birth parents, stolen by the aristocracy when they'd caught wind of her strange origins.

Raised now in the dune deserts of the rich and wealthy, she's become a bargaining chip and an heir to loveless, cruel guardians.


Due to her archangel lineage, Estelle found herself to be extremely volatile and dangerous at even a young age. She was subject frequently to violent outbursts of radiant energy when her emotions went unregulated. It's because of this, that her already tense relationship with her adoptive family grew even more strained. In a land where her type of magic was foreign and malefic, the people deemed her a curse at worst, and a human weapon at best.

In an attempt to cover up her magic, Estelle was neglected both physically and psychologically, hoping that it would derive her of emotion altogether. Passed on from her adoptive mother, who loathed both her image and powers, Estelle was brought up solely by the nuns in the cathedral. Restricted from the freedom and wonderment of childhood, the only person who afforded her solace was her personal warden, Captain Charlie, stationed originally to try and raise the girl for military use. He took pity on her when he saw just how young the girl was.

Captain Charlie attempted to salvage what little remained of her innocence, ultimately achieving a sense of hope in Estelle she thought was long faded.


There was one fateful night in question, when she was taken to go see an opera. Everything from then seemed to change right before her eyes. When Estelle gazed upon that stage, the magic that flowed violently and scorching inside of her seemed to slow into a blissful, coursing river. She could feel it calm; she could control it.
With the help of a former guard, Estelle escaped the confines of her lavish prison and sought refuge in the outer towns. Vehemently wanting to escape the shackles of her previous life she vowed to start anew. This time, using her magic for the only place she felt she belonged.