Minicon Adopt 3



2 years, 6 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer


Still tentatively on hold for ARKYQ until they're feeling better.
Forge is a tough, spitfire of a minicon who loves working with her hands. Transforms either into a flamethrower or furnace/foundry equipment.
Mostly looking for money or mixed money and art.

Minimum bid: $30


  • You may change minor parts of the design. Small color changes are fine.
  • You may change the gender.
  • You may not change the species. (AU designs or alternate forms are fine. Just don't buy the design just to turn it into a different species and only that.)
  • Do not claim you created the design.
  • If you resell, let me know. I like to keep track of where my designs go, and some I may be interested in buying back or exchanging for designs of equivalent value.
  • You may not resell at a higher price unless you have drawn art work or commissioned art of the character. Price raises may not be greater than the worth of the commissions purchased.
  • If you attained the design through art/trade/etc please do not sell the character for money unless you have added art to their gallery.
  • You may not copy/trace/use my designs as inspiration.
  • I retain the right to reuse elements/color schemes/themes in other designs.
  • If you repost, tag and credit me (my linktree:
  • I retain the right to use design images in portfolios, commission sheet examples, and other advertisements.
  • Do not remove the watermark from the design image or edit the original image in any way.
  • You may not use any commissioned work or design for NFTs, advertisement of NFTs, or sell any part of the commission using blockchain technology or any future similar product.
  • These designs are for personal/non-commercial use only.

Bidding on any adopt signifies that you have read and agreed to all terms listed in my TOS.