Aurelia Saffron



2 years, 6 months ago


Aurelia Saffron


Name Aurelia Saffron
Called Aurelia
Age 16
Gender Female
Species Human
Role Student
Birthday March 9th
Theme Pure Gold


  • Shy
  • Cautious
  • Friendly


  • Flora Foxes
  • Gardens
  • []

Aurelia was accidentally turned solid gold by her father when she was 16 years old. He spent the next 17 years looking for a way to un-gold her, even moving to mawa for more resources, but to no avail. He couldn't find any way to turn her back. It wasn't until the unpetrification of mahou wando that her curse finally cracked, it seemed that whatever helped the realm helped her as well.

Aurelia is now still 16 and it seems like no time has passed to her. Well, aside from the fact that both of her little cousins are now older than her. She's now starting to attend Agatha Academy!



  • Aurelia is 5'6".
  • Her entire name means some form of Gold.
    "Aurelia" means the golden one and "Saffron" means yellow flower!
  • Aurelia was turned solid gold at 16, and spent 17 years practically frozen in time.
    The unpetrification of mawa lead to her unexpected freedom.
  • She has shadow manipulation magic and mostly uses it to create shadow hands.
  • She calls her flower fox "Bud" or "Buddy", because of his budding head.
  • Aurelia has gold residue on her leftover from the curse.
    The golf flecks look like freckles until they catch sunlight.



Nina Graham [ cousin ]

Nina was 4 when Aurelia was frozen solid. Though Nina doesn't seem to remember her, Aurelia remembers her younger...older cousin quite well!


Gamble Witchkidd [ first friend ]

Nina had asked Gamble to keep an eye on her "new cousin", worried that she'd be uncomfortable around all those new people. Gamble was the first person Aurelia became friends with that she didn't know pre-gold.


CHARACTER [ relationship ]

New relationships will be added as Aurelia meets more people!