


The Robot Student

Name Mii-U

Age/Height ??? y.o. / 1.51m

Gender Genderless (Any Pronouns)

Orientation Panromantic/Indifferent Asexual/Polyamorous

Species & Hierachy Aeon Robot - Gamma

Occupation Xerox's Student

Place Futuristic City of Meteoria

Personality 0v0

Theme Idk q v q


annoying Xerox

making friends

playing around


Story & Trivia

Mii-U is a little Robot and one of Xeroxs Students that rather would love to discover the world of humans than just learning "boring" theoretical things about Humans.

She got build by Orbid purely as "comedy relief" since Orbid has a lot of fun seeing Xerox rage around like madman.
So Mii-U only interrupts Xerox in his teaching classes or does weird Orange Sonic Doodles of him just for mocking reasons.
But deep inside she is very interested in humans and would love to spend time with some.
This happend after Xerox kidnapped Aether away from Vektor. Mii-U immediately wanted to befriend Aether, ask her a lot of questions while also spamming her about Robot society.
These two got along pretty well and Mii-U felt happy to finally have a Human friend to spend time with.

But she is too naive to notice that bad things could happen to Xerox and Aether without knowing anything due to her innocence.

-cant see the difference between friendship and love so all humans that get along are automatically married in her eyes
-if she notices that Xerox and Aether get hurt without knowing she would feel guilty and her program breaks.

HTML by Pinky