


2 years, 2 months ago


The adorable Killermachine

Name Rive

Age/Height ??? y.o. / 1.70m

Gender Genderless (Any Pronouns)

Orientation Neutral-AroAce

Species & Hierachy Machina Robot - Alpha

Occupation Protector of Vektors Family

Place Wasteland of Meteoria

Personality Loyal and Happy around Vektors Family, Bloodthirsty and revengeful with others

Theme Idk q v q

Vektor, Sil and Aether

Protecting Veks Family

Anything Vek dislikes

Story & Trivia

Rive is one of the first Machinas that was created by Orbid during the time Humans and Robots started to live together on Meteoria (back then Steamia and Meteoria was one Island) and had a human best friend during those times.

Sadly Orbid went totally overboard with her creations and created a giant Machina that would bring doom over Meteoria. This giant Robot would kill everything that got infornt of its lense, let it be humans, animals, other robots...and sadly also Rives best friend.

Since Machinas always need one "master" to function properly and do their orders, Rive transformed back into a roaming killer machine for many...many years until in the modern Era he got captured by Gem Scientists as a Subject and brought to the GSO. The current boss of the Robot department team, Dimondia, Sil and Querts past Teacher, tried her best to bond with him since it would be the first time a Scientists would successfully bond with a Machina.
...But it failed. And to add bad things ontop he was also able to escape, a Killer Machine was able to escape and roam freely inside the Human city. This was seen as a huge huge scandal but luckily nobody was killed during this mess appearantly.

Rive was never seen again by the GSO or any other human-
a lonely father called Vektor found him "dead" on a trash dump place in Steamia. This man took the little Robot with himself with the hope to make him function again. But what he didn't knew was that this robot is a deadly killer machine.

With some oil and a few fixes Vektor was able to repair him inside his mechanic room. The eyes of the little Robot opend and targeted Veks eyes, appearantly ready to attack him.
The middle aged man fell back and tried to back off as much as possible, but Rive was ready to corner him and scanned Vektors body from head to toe and then became calmly, looking at the stranger with big Owl-like eyes.
Vektor was a little confused at first but was able to befriend with Rive very quickly once he noticed that Rive thanked Vek for making him survive- Rive thanked Vektor so much and bonded with him, which meant he would fulfill all orders Vek would give him.

But at first Vek would make Rive some clothes and Introduce him to his children Aether and Myun (Sil) that were pretty amazed by the robot. Since Vek was living in a difficult situation he only ordered Rive to do everything to protect his children from any danger, especially a person called Matrice.

They shared some very happy family moments together until Matrice, Veks crazy ass stalker, found their new house again and was ready to kidnap his children as Black mail material while Vek was getting some things as Rive babysat them.
Matrices mistake in this moment was to underestimate Rive by thinking he was just a weak robot but he quickly noticed that after breaking into Veks home. Razor Sharp claws nearly cut his face open once Rive registered that its Matrice.
The intruder left the house but the robot wouldn't let him escape and forced him into a battle.

Vektor came home and saw all the mess. In all his shock he could only think about saving his children and ran away with them as Rive was continuing to protect his family. Rive was able to make Matrices bullets completely useless and do some severe damage on him by cutting out his eye and even being able to cut his throat, watching him getting chocked by his own blood inside his throat.
Rive thought the fight was able and was ready to leave but suddenly felt a strange powerful aura. A shadow that drowned Matrice inside darkness, giving him new power a d appearantly a second life.
Matrice became so hate and powerful in this moment that he single handedly broke Rive into single pieces without any mercy and left the scene before anyone else would see him in his current state.

Vektor got back to the place since he wanted to help Rive in the battle but he came too late...the only thing he was able to find in a corner were his 4 arms that he was able to make come forward out of his back. He decided to take the arms with himself since it was the only thing that he was able to find.
But...where was the rest...?
Easy answer-
Orbid took them.

Orbid didn't wanted Rive to stay destroyed since he meant a lot to her and through that rebuild him on Meteoria and made him keep the clothes Vektor made him.
Rive was very overwhelmed and just wanted to get back to Vektor again, but he couldn't since Meteoria was an Island inside the ocean.
The Robot was often seen looking at the Ocean in the direction of Steamia, deep inside he missed Vektor and his children.

But one day... he felt a weird presence-
He felt Vektors and Aethers presence on Meteoria?
He had to go look for them immediately and ran many many miles towards this presence. Sadly he lost Vektors presence after a while. No matter how hard to try feel it, it was gone...but Aether was still there- so he tried his best to reach her and ended up Infront of the high-tech and modern civilisation of the Aeon Robots.
Since they had all types of protection mechanism Rive has a lot of trouble getting inside this city to rescue Aether...up to this day he is straggling to save her.
This poor Robot.

Funfacts: Wip

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