


2 years, 2 months ago


The Incarnation of all Evil

Name Saol

Age/Height "older than earth" y.o. / 1.52m

Gender Genderless (He/Him)

Orientation Greyromantic/Omnisexual

Species Primary

Occupation Evil God of Humans

Place Can teleport anywhere

Personality Sado-Maso Jokster, Easily angry

Theme Idk q v q

Pain and suffering on humanity

Watching his "toys" die in horrible ways


just having fun


Faye crying like a baby

Story & Trivia

Saol is the Incarnation of everything bad while his twinsister Faye is the incarnation of everything good inside humans. Together they are the gods and created humans with good and bad sides.

Saol is very cruel and does everything to force his opinion on others, such as the moment when Orbid asked to take care of some humans. They were his toys- the world was just a giant play room for him- so he disagreed with the threat to make those Humans that she would "adopt" suffer very badly.
But Orbid didn't care what Saol said.
This was a literal War declaration for him and thus he spread the rumor as Vize-Mayor to the people that Steamians are creepy freaks for living together with literal war machines that could have killed everyone on the planet. If anyone met a Steamian everyone was free to go to discriminate them for this "unhuman" lifestyle. Through that Saol has awoken a huge wave of discrimination against Steamians.

In the modern days of GSO, people have gotten over the past and see Steamia more of an interesting place to spend their vacation in. Some people still see them as freaks but that has become way less. But what hasn't become less is Saols huge hatred against Orbid and her Steamians, so much dthat he sometimes visits the Island and does...awful things to poor people when Orbid isn't fast enough to save them.
Out of a situation like this a little human called Matrice was born, who will later on become Saols favorite child.
Matrice was born in an abusive family that made him become a hateful person especially against people + having Saols blood in him made him into am even more crueler person with an never ending desire for blood.
He was the perfect Marionette for Saol to use to kill even more innocent people; and so the hunt began.

Saol in his human Form is as already said, the vize-mayor of the human city but also the Leader or an influential multimedia Company- a company offering seemingly everything: clothes, restaurants, technology, clubs, TV Shows EVERYTHING. Only to influence and control people as he wishes.
He always laughs at those people that mimic the most shittiest and dumbest trends, making themselves into clowns.

His coworkers are the mayor of the City Prima, the newcomer Rasser(OCs by Vanidrawme), Chiseaux and Noiry who he both just uses to manipulate humans.

He is very cruel with humans and doesn't hold back to put poor innocent lives on the line. In the past, he and Prima leaded together with an old woman a cruel and dark circus where unloved children and Gem Children had to perform and even hurt each other. This type of sadistic show was made for their own and rich peoples entertainment until the whole circus reached its finale by burning down during one last show.

Nowadays Saol tries to find new creative ways to make someone suffer while also ordering Matrice around who became his personal hitman.

-humans that are born from him have uncontrollable feelings of hatred and negativity inside their soul
-when naming his company he wanted it to be his name backwards- but that absolute dumbass spelled his name background wrong.
-"I am having a fashion company because when I kill people I wanna do it with style"
-uses the relationship of Amethyst and Chiseaux to have a reason to visit the GSO if Chiseaux ever visits it

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