Deathly Visitor



6 years, 6 months ago


Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Partner: None

Details: You got the morbid one!
This curious creature really likes walking into people's homes. Like, if it sees you walking by a cementery- a place where it likes to spend its time the most- it will just...follow you. Walk about six feet behind you, not too close to reach, but close enough to make you uncomfortable. And it will walk you all the way, no matter how far away you live or how much you'll try to lose it on the way. And it will entery with you - there's no way of slamming the door in its face, the doors just won't close until it's in. And then it will hunker under your ceiling (it's pretty tall) and will look around slowly, walking through the hall, living room and kitchen (it keeps to the lower floor only). And after it's gone looking your house over...It will say that it's lovely. And leave.

It has multiple jaws and a lot of claws on all limbs. It's very unnerving but polite. Loves tea and crumpets, and will hold the tea cup delicately between its mutated paws, complimenting your house in a low, devoid of any emotion voice. Does not speak much except "you have a lovely house. Very lovely indeed. Love what you've done with the place" and other things of the sort. Likes to listen, especially if you talk about your house. Smells like old bones and cold stones. Cold to the touch. The skin is like cement and the bones are real bones.