


2 years, 2 months ago



"thank u for participating in this epic meme battle"

Newton (also called Newt or Crouton) is my fursona! She doesn't have a ton of lore, but develops with me over the years.

  • Christian
  • From Ohio
  • Has sensory processing disorder
  • Obsessed with The Simpsons
  • Loves to travel
  • Aspiring music teacher
  • Musician
  • Newt's been playing upright bass since she was 9. She's pretty cracked at it. She can also play most other western instruments pretty mediocrely.
  • Artist
  • Loves acrylic paint and digital drawing! Mostly self taught.
  • Photography and Video Editing
  • Give her a camera and Newt can make both cinematic masterpieces and Funni Memes.
  • Bilingual
  • Native English speaker, studied Mandarin Chinese for 5 years and is proficient in it.
  • Eyes can be both green, both blue, or both brown
  • Fur is short and sleek, not fluffy
  • Clothes/Accessories optional (no NSFW art!)
  • Can be drawn anthro or feral


Newt doesn't have a set aesthetic, I'd say "minimalistic" is a pretty good word to describe her normal look.


Newt has 2 ear piercings: the top one is always a small stud, the bottom one can vary. She also has a small purse that she likes to cary with her. She likes glasses with larger frames but doesn't have a set pair.


Newton's go-to is jeans and a t-shirt, a sweatshirt or a flannel, but she doesn't have a set style. Clothes are generally loose-fitting.

This is your life, Crouton.

So since Newt is not in a set universe, she doesn't have much to go in the bio section of her page. I think the rest of this will be some quotes from her.

Some Quotes From Her

"You survived the eyeball attack of 2023, welcome to the new year." "They always ask 'what's a MusicPup,' not 'how's a musicpup.'" "A wise man builds his house upon a brick while a foolish man puts his on an apple." "4th of july skeletons are why fireworks are illegal in some states." "I'm like Frosty the snowman I have a corncob pipe and a Boston nose and two eyes made out of corn." "We’re talking about how I have to come to Maryland so I can confirm whether or not you are stinky."





"It is Well" - Forrest Frank