Reine Leroux



2 years, 3 months ago


19 ---- model ---- kalos ---- Reine is cool and collected when she's not excited and being smothered in love by her pokemon. She can be quite sweet and romantic and others seem to see her as an innocent girl. There is a side to her, however, that not many get to know- she can be self-destructive and overly critical of herself. After having to be 'perfect' for daddy all her life, it's begun to eat away at her. This doesn't stop her from being the best of friends to those who matter to her. She cares more about her friends than herself and she'll fight to protect the ones she loves. Reine can be hard headed and compassionate ---- Reine likes to sketch her pokemon in her free time and fix her bike. She sometimes likes to style her friends hair ---- Reine was born and raised in Dendemille Town, Kalos. When she was 7, her older brother passed away, leaving her and her family with their only connection to him: His Pyroar. Unknowingly to them, the lion had given birth to a small baby Litleo, which she later carried and gave to Reine. At the age of 16, her parents split and Reine took up smoking. She left to live with her father in Lumiose City where her modeling career took off. She joined an agency and soon she became one of Kalos' top models. Her father pushed her hard to be perfect, wanting his little girl to be the best there ever was. This didn't help her, however, if anything, it made her self-destructive habits worse. When Reine turned 18, she moved away to live on her own in Vaniville Town ---- Fahrenheit | Pyroar | Male ---- Robo | Raichu | Male ---- Cider | Lycanroc (MD) | Male ---- Drips | Archeops | Female ----Josephine | Milotic | Female ---- Blackwall | Tyranitar | Female ---- Peter | Furret | Male ---- Vermillion | Tyrantrum | Male ---- Flecher | Braviary | Male