


2 years, 2 months ago


—You don’t see someone walking around, telling people that they’re a vampire. This one is different though, he wont deny and he’s quite proud of it actually...which seems stupid and will set him up for any vampire hunter, but his pure obnoxious aura would be too hard to handle. -original description 

He takes the "vampire aesthetic" and runs with it. You'll often find him lurking in dark alleyways or brooding over a drink in small, near-deserted bars. He  will proudly recount his tale of "woe" to anyone that asks(or may seem to ask) about his state of mind, telling them outright that he's a vampire, and embellishing his "tragic" story of how he became one. 

As a result of this, most people think he's simply a "poseur" and don't take him seriously- well, except those who have seen him leaning over a motionless body with blood on his fangs, that is.

In his everyday life he's a college student, who seems normal enough at first glance, at least until you know more about him. Fellow classmates point him out as "that guy to avoid" to new students. 

He puts on a mysterious and brooding persona, acting as if he is in possession of some hidden knowledge which you are unaware of. This act lasts until you get him started on talking about the occult or supernatural, at which point he becomes enthusiastic and overly loquacious about the subject. This is one reason why fellow students avoid him.

He was always a fan of "strange fiction" and stories involving supernatural creatures before he was turned. He never thought it would happen to him, though.