Alvis Zo'Harrison



2 years, 6 months ago


Alvis Zo'Harrison

True form being a small glass-like orb, originally created by ancient wizards as a means to create a neverending supply of magical weapons- drawing the true intentions from the soul to create weapons out of pure light. Unfortuately, as empires fell, the orb was buried and left alone for millenia.

Centuries later, Zach, Lilith and Zeydaan in one of their first missions recovered the orb from the ancient temple, other adventurers ignoring it in favor of gold or magical items- the Hawkmoths taking it without realising what it truly was- using it as their first (and for a time) only trophy for a job well done. That all changed when Isabella had accidentally left them next to their laptop when they were talking to Ford Goodness of SAKE Advanced Robotics, finding a strange voice being broadcast from the screen.

It didn't take long to realise that the orb was starting to interface with the technology, and importantly, had a consciousness.

The orb was surprised too at its ability to communicate, and quickly established trust with the Hawkmoths by elaborating that unlike most artificial intelligences it had no desire to rule/destroy the world (having spent many a millenium in isolation, and proving it by pointing out they'd been connected to the internet for several hours by Zeydaan accidenntally leaving the WI-FI on while they were talking.

The team named the orb Alvis and setabout working on giving the orb a body, thanks to the help from Ford Goodness.
Due to it being both an intelligence and a power source, Ford was able to put all the bells and whistles into Alvis' new mechanical body, and soon enough it would be completed. And Alvis decided to stay with the Hawkmoths, not only as thanks for their help in allowing it to create as it wants, but thanks to it discovering Zey's ability of dimensional flux, the potential of seeing far beyond anyone else.

They're responsible for creating the adventuring gear for the rest of the team, as well as improving Zach's PSI armor and modifying Iffy's arms and feeding unit. They themselves wear only simple and practical clothing as adventuring gear with a reflector shield and weapons drawn from their own soul ability, which they can now use themselves or give to their new friends. Their own robotic form has an additional feature of an illusion tech disk, which helps to make them look more organic, and later on- appear like any species they wish, keeping general appearance though, full on shapeshifting is more Zey/Isabella's things after all.

In their free time, they like to tinker and invent, working with Ford mainly at SAKE robotics, and investing time into academia of all sorts. Though this often leads to potentially dangerous experiments performed onto the other Hawkmoths.

While their sense of taste doesn't lead to that much creativity in regards to cooking, their artificial intelligence and robotic form makes it so they can be incredibly precise with using recipes or baking. Leaving them completely baffled by Zach's ability with heatups.

They often like to spend time learning how to do art properly with Isabella while exploring the limits of their abiltiies.