


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Archi
Alias/preferred name: Honey
Age: 20
Birthday: 10th March
Design Motifs: Honey, Gold, Mechanical/Natural Hexagons, Bees

"Do you know how many stupid ideas people have for robots? And then they expect me to be a diligent little worker bee. Don't they understand that I'm the Queen here? So unless they drop a mountain of sweets at my feet and praise my good looks, then I ain't workin' for 'em!"

An incredibly talented engineer who's also incredibly self-centered. Most describe him as childish and bratty. Though he does work hard, his motivation seems to only come from creating things to amuse him or aid his laziness. He only accepts jobs from people who meet his standard and entertain him.  

He looks rather young for his age, and he uses it to play into how people perceive him. He has no patience for those who try to take advantage of his skills, and especially enjoys riling up the people who infantilise him.

He isn't short on job offers, but he often turns them down if they sound boring or don't meet his ridiculous demands - which are usually large amounts of candy.
Even though he doesn't take life or other people that seriously, he will always deliver on his promises. He respects those who go the length for his far-fetched requests, and uses the candy he does get to keep his pouches full. He always seems to be eating some while he's working.

He's not great at looking after his own health, and won't notice that he's forgotten to eat until he gets dizzy from hunger. He indulges in treats whenever he feels like it.

Though his real name isn't Honey, he finds it amusing when people who dislike him have to use it.

He created a bee-like drone named Archibeedes, who follows him around as his portable computer and partner. Archibeedes is also equipped with pranking devices, such as water and stink bombs.


At a young age his interest in robots inspired him to work hard- and through a bit of luck, his skills earned him enough recognition to become known as a prodigy. But eventually the pressure became too much, and he stopped enjoying his work. He expressed wanting to step out of the spotlight so that he could simply have fun with it again, but his parents pushed him to continue - exploiting his work for money and fame. He began acting out more in order to ruin his parent's chances of finding him work, and once he was old enough, he left home to live on his own. From then on he vowed only to do things on his terms so that his love of robots was never tainted again. He acts selfishly to protect himself and to test the true natures of people.
At his core, Honey no longer trusts people. He simply wants to be valued as a person first, and for his work second.