


2 years, 3 months ago



RIPTIDE — Hadal Mochizuki

ALIASES:005 | Fives | Pythia's Lapdog
AGE:24 Years Old
HEIGHT:5'7 ft | 171 cm
SPECIES:Trench Atlantean/Human
ORIGIN: ██████ Trenches
BIRTHDAY:December 8, 2003


Free and unbothered by the difficulties in life, he forges his way through everything with an air of indifference. Hadal lives on the idea of rolling with the punches, to live on your own terms, and embrace the best and worst of everything. He has a rather foul temper, and sharp tongue, never having been reigned in much by his guardian or friends. His stubbornness definitely doesn’t help, an unstoppable force to go against when provoked. He’s mellowed out through the years, becoming more pensive. Hadal is optimistic about life, but he tries to be realistic with his expectations despite that. He’s far more ‘in touch’ than his old partner, Reverie.

When he was younger, Hadal was a bit more zealous in the belief of the Augury god, Halcyon. He was much more naive and more optimistic as a child too, hanging onto the words of Reverie like they were gospel. He tended to get into trouble a lot, whether through disobeying orders or getting into fights with other kids, Reverie was always the one to have him pardoned.


A lean man with a gangly frame, and light tan skin, the ends of his arm and legs are always covered in dark shadows. He has a longer neck than the average person because of his Atlantean descent, gills run along it. He has distinct markings on his face similarily all over his body. He has blue and white hair, more similar to running water than actual hair, always shifting and sometimes breaking off like droplets. Bright yellow eyes, and when his powers are in use, his sclera goes black.



Born to IHL hero Riptide and Trench Atlantean Coral. Hadal was swept away from his mother as an egg while they traveled through a storm, trying to reach the nearest land civilization. He was discovered washed up on a beach by Riptide’s PR manager, and given up to the Augury of Poseidon.

He was put into the care of Augury member Misty Reyez, with nine other kids as part of the Zero Group. Hadal was kept in secret for a few years while they figured out the extent of his natural-born power. He was introduced to the group at four years old and assigned as Reverie’s partner.

During their childhood, Hadal spoke fondly of the ocean, despite having no true memories of his own of the place. There was always something in the corner of his mind that reminded him that it is home, and where he should be— not within the Augury. He’s made several runaway attempts, never getting far, the furthest he’s gone was outside the facility, where he realized there was nothing but snow and ice for miles on end. The attempts began to lessen as he grew older.


Grew up very close to Reverie, and would frequently be snuck into Reverie’s home to spend more time together. They mostly trained together with 001 and 003— Vega and Dire, as a two-part group for distraction and infiltration missions. Hadal grew friendly with both his peers, more so Vega than Dire.

As Hadal and Reverie went on more missions together, facing intervention by heroes and other organizations, Reverie spoke of his doubts about the Augury. His worries were never processed as something genuine or serious to Hadal, and so life went on.

There was only one instance where Reverie began to sound more and more convinced they needed to leave and tried to convince Hadal to run with him. The topic is never brought back up again after the topic heated into an argument, and eventually, a physical brawl.

On a mission that led to Hadal facing off a group of teen heroes, Reverie revealed their location almost immediately, turning both of them into the group in exchange for helping them leave the Augury behind. Hadal was enraged by Reverie’s decision, while he stuck around through the exchange, the moment both of them are secured Hadal runs away, back to the Augury.

His caretaker turns away Hadal, as both were labeled as traitors, whether Hadal agreed with Reverie’s choices did not matter anymore. With a new growing grudge towards Reverie, Hadal set off on his own with some small help from Misty.


Hadal decided to focus his energy on discovering himself outside the Augury, just who he was and what he was obviously not— human, as his caretaker once admitted to him. His only clues were the strange gills on his neck, so he started making his way to the closest coastal area: Bonefall Town.

Later, Vega and Dire contact Hadal to help them enact an aggressive takeover of the Augury. Before they begin their attack, they’re intervened by Reverie and his group, who were given a tip about the attack. After a curt agreement to talk further, Hadal convinced Reverie and co. to help them with their plan.

In the aftermath, Vega is placed as the new leader of the augury, and old friends reconvene on a rooftop. Hadal and Reverie reconcile, though their friendship changes, as it never truly goes back to how it once was.

Reverie offers Hadal information that he wasn’t previously privy to, files that both the heroes and the augury had on him— hoping to aid in Hadal’s search for his origins. Hadal narrows down his possible place of birth in the ██████ trench, but finds himself unwelcome as he’s obviously different from the deep sea Atlanteans he finds.

As for his paternal side of the family, he discovers his shared parentage with Reverie’s teammate Dewey and Augury groupmate Forge. TBC


Reverie | 000best friend

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Vega | 001confidant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Dire | 003friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



INSPO: Seckor Lupe, Felix Fraldarius, Caspar Von Bergliez

LIKES: exotic pets, swords, woodcarving, fishing, the moon—astrology, the beach, bar games
DISLIKES: the ocean, swimming, cats


  • Sagittarius
  • trans man | gay | aromantic
  • Afraid of water; drowning exp with malformed gills
    • Eventually gets over this fear… to an extent
  • Duel wields swords, he has two empty switchblade handles he uses to form his shadow swords
  • Talks with his hands, paces or moves in a small space if he’s standing up. The longer he talks the more erratic his movements get.
  • Smokes; only when under a lot of stress/pressure
  • Adopts the surname Mochizuki when reintegrating into society