Basic Info

Received in:

March 2022


Design trade from CallaLilie :3

🌸 Sweet bean, Gentle, Soft-spoken, Friendly, Calm
🌸 Easily influenced, Puts others first (often to her detriment), A little too trusting of others

"Born into a pride of superstitious lions, Naomi had the misfortune of becoming the target of their fear. With "strange" and "unsettling" dark marks, those around her were wary of her looks, taking them as a bad omen. Her parents love her dearly, and while they were able to protect her while she grew up, all good things have to come to an end. After a series of unfortunate events beyond anyone's control, the pride turned on Naomi and her family, wanting her gone. As the tension within the pride was rising, Naomi made the decision to leave, much to her parent's despair."